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Rat's Nest Tavern

"My colleagues have an experiment in mind that requires a large delerium crystal. Smaller shards won’t suffice. Unfortunately, such specimens are quite rare in the Outer City ruins. However, we've got a lead..." - River

Scrag Lane

The Rat’s Nest Tavern lies on the mud-slick and rubble-strewn Scrag Lane south of Shepherd’s Way, nestled between ramshackle tenements and crumbling flats. The original tavern has been almost entirely obliterated, and the neighbouring buildings are heavily damaged. What remains are stone foundations piled with debris. The first-floor walls stand about chest high, a few supporting timbers splayed outward like a burst ribcage. The rooftop and upper levels have entirely collapsed into a mist-covered crater filled with rubble. The original tavern sign juts out obliquely from a building on the opposite side of the street. It is engraved with a smiling, obese rat laying on a plate of food.  

Taproom Ruins

Inside what remains of the tavern walls, the wooden floorboards of the ground level have almost entirely collapsed into a large gaping hole. Tumbled brick piles, ashen cinders, burned shingles, splintered wooden planks, support beams, fractured fisrniture, cracked mugs, broken glass, random bits of bone and cutlery are scattered everywhere.  

Cratered Basement

The stone walls of the basement are scorched and blackened. Rubble and debris surround a muddy crater fifteen feet wide and five feet deep. A faint glimmer of octarine light twinkles within.  

Burrows Beneath

A muddy passage expands from the cratered basement that is roughly eight feet wide. It tunnesl steeply down ten feet before veering sharply left.  After the muddy terrain, the burrows of the Ratlings span out through their nesting grounds.

Player Impact

After being told by Ansom Lang that Petra had gone missing somewhere around the ruins and that they were unable to continue the seach, Y'srega and his company are asked to go search for the Lieutenant. Scouring the ruins of Scrag Street, the party spots the Ratling Scouts fleeing back into their den and follows. Exploring the Cratered Basement, the party encounters several ratlings that were interrogated and captured before moving on. The Burrows proved to be dangerous terrain as Vinny slid down the muddy slope and into the spike trap filled with rats. The party came together and rescued their ally before experminating the ratlings in the entry chamber. Slaying their way through the nests, they would eventually find a food storage room that had the young Lieutenant Petra Lang held captive. After rescuing her, they would stumble upon the Ratling Warlock, Squeaks- an albino ratling. After her witty and impressive display, Pike managed to strike her down in one mighty blow, putting an end to the Warlock.  Finally, the sounds of mating were heard as Y'srega found the breeding grounds of the Rat Prince! A horrifying and....unsightly scene caused Y'srega to turn back and cautioned the party not to proceed. They moved back the way they came, leaving over half of the burrow alive and unexplored but saving young Petra.

Discoveries and Achivements

  • Saved Petra Lang
  • Discovered the Rat Prince!
Parent Location

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