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Rumor Seekers

General Summary

Completing their partial escort of the Falling Fire's follower Nathaniel, the party learns the fate of Brand, their former ally. According to Nathaniel, Brand had been dropped on the doorstep of The Follower of the Falling Fire and had been taken in my Lecretia Methias. Departing after earning favor with the would be religion they would return to Shepard's Gate and then into the Garrison. Reunited with Sammy, the Hadozee would lead the group about the Garrison and grant them supplies they'd requested and some special requests that he had been making with Y'srega in mind. In addition, Raine Highlash, Y'srega's mentor granted him a set of free-runner armor that he had commisoned to help with mobility within the city. 
Later the party would have the oppertunity to meet with Elias Drexel, the Lord Commander of Drakkenheim. He was grateful to the party for their continued involvement and parroted the mission that Collum had hinted at in Emberwood Village. A Mageborn they'd made a deal with for potion supplies in exchange for free reign over the Shepards Gate in the past had missed a delivery. The patrol that was sent had never returned and the garrison was running dangerously low on sustainability within the city. This Mage was Oscar Yoren, the same Mage that River had asked the party to investigate and that she had implied may have played a hand in Roth's past. The party would readily accept. Before departure, the Lord Commander would tell Y'srega about the last sightning of his father by Queen's Park Garden, then would take special interest in Maeve. After cornering the Lord Commander, Maeve would press him for answers before he would share his notion that Maeve resembled Eliza Von Kessel. An oil painting on the wall of the Royal Family would bring a wave of recognition to Maeve, putting the names and faces of her family back into her mind. Elias Drexel would keep this to himself, unsure if Maeve was fit to take the throne with her newfound magical awakening; fearing the Articles of Umbrage would be enforced.
The party would depart in a hurry as Y'srega was eager to seek his father out at Queen's Park Garden while Maeve was advised to seek closure of her mother's memory in her garden, the place she frequented the most during her lifetime. As they moved hastily down the streets, a terrifying screech echoed out as Eldrich Fire fell upon the party. A mighty and corrupted creature that resembled a Griffon with six wings made it's attack on the party. Just as they would meet their fate, an unknown stranger would intercept and save their lives...

Rewards Granted

  • The Grapple-Shot
  • 3 Bombs
  • Free Runner Armor
  • Goodberry Gummies
  • Aegis of the Moon

Missions/Quests Completed

Escort the Followers of the Falling Fire ( 1/2 Point  for 1/2 Completion )
Report Date
04 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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