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Drakkenheim Garrison

Purpose / Function

The Garrison is utilized as a strongpoint for launching deeper incursions into the city. It currently acts as the Base of Operations for the Hooded Lanterns.


Scaffoldings have been added around the keep's walls to ensure it's scouts have the superior fighting position.


The Garrison is prepretually in a state of readiness and able to respond to any alarm for attack, intrusion or infiltration. The Scouts and Urban Rangers on duty each are equipped with Signal flares that may be loaded with various smoke grenate colors to call for help, retreat, warn of monsters, flag intruders and to give the all clear. In addition, the Garrison Towers are each quipped with bellowing alarm bell that can be heard throughout the city. When rung, resting Hooded Lanterns spring into actiona nd patrols are recalled from the streets to defend the Garrison.    There are two watch towers on the east side of the Fortress each equipped with a Ballistae and several soldiers. To the southern main gate there are two smaller watch towers each with their own respective guards at vantage points and ready to fire. Atop the keep itself are several other vantage points that the Hooded Lanterns take full advantage of. Surrounding the keep are sandbags and spike walls to barricade the area further.


The Drakkenheim Garrison was once the Stronghold of the City Guard before the Meteor.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Contested By
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