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The Amethyst Academy

The Amethyst Academy is a research institute, educational organization, and mage guildĀ pursuing the arcane mysteries of delerium. The faction is small and outwardly aloof yet subtly influential and tremendously wealthy. They are led by a shadowy directorate of powerful archmages who dispatched Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver to oversee their operations in Drakkenheim. Most of it's members are potent arcane spellcasters with access to rare magical resources, but only a handful of agrents are active in Drakkenheim.


The structure of the Amethyst Academy is based upon one's Mastery of Magic. In addition, Court Mages are assigned to Political powers to be representatives of the Academy in each nation. A counil of Arch Mages known as the Directorate make the decisions for the Organization collectively.

Public Agenda

Collect and Study the Delerium. Reclaim the Inscrutable Tower as well as the Staff.


Untold resources are avaliable to the mages in far off lands that they frequently call upon.


he Amethyst Academy began as a secret school for young sorcerers during a time when arcane magic faced extreme persccution from the clergy of the Sacred Flame. The mages located children who manifested magical talents, rescued them from their fearful and paranoid communitics, and cducared them in hidden strongholds and far-away castles so they might wield their abilities with trained and refined control. The secret school gradually grew into a secret society in its own righ.

Key Members

  • Eldrick Runeweaver: Arch-Wizard
  • River: Tiefling Mage, Subbordinate to Eldrick
  • Rufus Stonewall: A grumpy old professor who is looking forward to retiring.
  • Nible Quill: An eager new graduate
  • Cogsworth B. Copperpot: Addled old diviner who is confused about his own predictions.
  • Murdok the Caller: A know it all conjurer with a knack for having the perfectly prepared spells.
  • Corvus Greysky: A grim necromaner with a morbid sense of humor.
  • Elvira Evermore: A stern Abjurer who takes magic seriously.
  • Luna MumbhL A yong gnome illusions who seems lost in her own world.
  • Harmon Munk: An elven transmuter who is always misplacing his reagents.
  • Neptune Lee: A charismatic enchanter who likes to boast
  • Agust "Gus" Elderfire: An experienced Evoker who never does things by the book.
Education, Magic
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


The Lanterns will often sell to the Ameythyst Academy any delerium they encounter in exchange for supplies and potions to keep going. Elias Drexel detests they're made to pay to help the city.


The Knights of the Silver order detest the Academy for using Delerium and will refuse to work with anyone who dabbles in it.

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