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Hooded Lanterns

Stay Vigilant

The Hooded Lanterns are an irregular military force drawn up from remnants of the old Drakkenheim City Watch and veterans of the Von Kessel Civil War. Led by the grim Lord Commander Elias Drexel, they wish to drive out the monsters and outlaws who infest their nation’s capital and restore the realm of Westemär.  


Multiple military operations have attempted to retake Drakkenheim over the past fifteen years. Each has ended in miserable failure, and the contaminated ruins have swallowed thousands of soldiers’ lives. What remains of these assaults are merely twisted monsters and undead monstrosities formed from the risen corpses of these regiments. After these disastrous attempts, Drakkenheim was left abandoned while civil war ripped Westemär apart instead. These conflicts also ended in vain, with the royal line of House Von Kessel undone by fratricide.   Westemär is slowly disintegrating into a realm of squabbling fiefdoms, yet some amongst the fractured nobility hold a glimmer of hope in restoring the nation and rebuilding the capital. Three years ago, they marshaled up the remnants of the royal guard, the city watch, and patriotic veterans of the civil war to make one last-ditch attempt to retake the city. Although officially dubbed the 4th Provisional Expeditionary Force to Reclaim the Capital, this guerilla regiment was nicknamed after oil lamps carried by the old city watch: the Hooded Lanterns.   The core members of the Hooded Lanterns are warriors fighting for their homeland. Few honest soldiers survived the civil war, so many veterans have a life of bloody deeds behind them already. On the other hand, new recruits are seldom old enough to have any strong memories of Drakkenheim before it was destroyed. As such, many possess naïve and idealistic notions honed into simmering rage and fury at a golden age stolen from them.   Under the leadership of Elias Drexel, the Hooded Lanterns have finally broken the losing streak of previous military operations. Rather than making an all-out assault on the ruins, they have taken a methodical approach. After spending nearly a year carefully scouting out the ruins, they began clearing out important fortifications in the city to use as staging grounds for future operations. This strategy has paid off: the Hooded Lanterns have managed to establish countless safehouses and supply caches within the city. They captured Shepherd's Gate and the Drakkenheim Garrison last year. However, in recent months their efforts have been stymied by sabotage enacted by the Queen of Thieves, and the emergence of a horrific Garmyr warlord in the Inner City known as the Lord OF The Feast. While the Hooded Lanterns have imposed the mantle of law-and-order in the city, these setbacks have revealed their actual authority is limited to their strength of arms. The regiment maintains only a fragile foothold in Drakkenheim, and their supply lines are now exceptionally difficult to maintain. It’s taking almost everything the Hooded Lanterns have to hold their current position.   The Hooded Lanterns are supported by surviving loyal vassals of the royal family who wish to see the old monarchy of Westemär restored. Many of these wealthy nobles lost estates, treasure vaults, family heirlooms, and personal documents when the city was destroyed, and expect the Hooded Lanterns to retrieve them. In return, these noble houses provide soldiers, material, and other supplies to the Hooded Lanterns on a periodic basis, but their financial resources are not inexhaustible. Indeed, the Hooded Lanterns have often resorted to selling delerium themselves to make ends meet.  
Adaptive and cunning, they are true survivalists. Some of the bravest warriors I’ve met in Westemär  
-Pluto Jackson


Restore Drakkenheim

The patriotic warriors of the Hooded Lanterns desperately want to rebuild their former home. The rank-and-file soldiers fight a guerilla war to reclaim Drakkenheim street-by-street, slaying monsters, driving out outlaws, and arresting scavengers. Elias Drexel plans on establishing strongholds at key sites of strategic importance: the City Gates, Saint Selina's Monastery, Saint Vitruvio's Cathedral the Clocktower, and eventually, Castle Drakken Chapel. Thus far, the Hooded Lanterns have only succeeded in taking Shepherd's Gate and the Drakkenheim Garrison.  

Obtain the Seals of Drakkenheim

The ruling council of Westemär wore enchanted badges of office attuned to the magical defenses and arcane wards that once protected Drakkenheim, and also served as the keys to Castle Drakken Chapel itself. Known as the Seals of Drakkenheim. All are lost within the ruins save the Lord Commander’s Badge, carried by Elias Drexel himself. Until all the seals are assembled, the city’s magical defenses are subject to the chaotic whims of The Haze. The Hooded Lanterns are constantly searching the ruins for any sign or clue of the whereabouts of these items. Unfortunately, several are already in the hands of rival factions.  

Re-establish a rightful monarchy

Many Hooded Lanterns hope a legitimate heir to the throne still survives somehow. Others believe that even if House Von Kessel is truly extinct, a new monarchy could be formed by a prominent noble house with some connection to the royal line. Both Saint Vitruvio's Cathedral and Castle Drakken Chapel are believed to contain archives detailing the line of succession, and magically preserved vials of royal blood that can be used in a special ritual to confirm legitimate royal ancestry. A potential claimant with access to these documents could galvanize the support needed to ascend to the throne. However, proof of royal ancestry alone is not enough - any claim is spurious at best without the Seals of Drakkenheim, the Crown Of Westemär, and Castle Drakken Chapel. Even a true heir to House Von Kessel will have immense difficulty holding the Realm of Westemär together without these keys to power.  


Hooded Lanterns have several minor bases in old cottages and watchtowers a few days outside the city where their soldiers rest and recuperate after being posted to the ruins.

Emberwood Watchtower

Here a small number of scouts review who comes and leaves from Emberwood Village and hope to recruit to their ranks.

Shepherd's Gate

Central to their information network many scouts run from Shepherd's Gate to their small bases and camps

Drakkenheim Garrison

Under Drakkenheim Garrison the stockade beneath the has been converted into a bunker safe from The Haze.

Protect Our Home

There cannot be a Westemär without Drakkenheim  
-Lord Commander Elias Drexel

Appearance and Equipment

The Hooded Lanterns are a professional military unit. Every member uses standardized equipment: their uniform consists of a forest green cloak with yellow trim, the traditional colours associated with the Drakkenheim coat-of-arms. They bear the Hooded Lanterns’ symbol on their chest pieces, and shoulder stitches denote their rank and company. Scout units wear light armour, and often wield longswords, shortswords, and longbows. Guard units are equipped with chainmail, shields, spears, and crossbows. Each member also wears a metal chain with an inscribed plate bearing their name, hometown, and next of kin. Most Hooded Lanterns cut their hair when they sign up, but since many spend weeks at a time fighting, they end up a disheveled mess by the end of their assignments.  


Elias Drexel


Petra Lang Ansom Lang
Expedition, Military
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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