
The first stage of the Dragon lifecycle.   After 30 years as a Dragonling, the creature might accend to the next stage of the Draconic Lifecycle. If they do not accend then they will live the rest of their lives as a Dragonling.   Dragonlings are bipeal creatures that have a draconic appearance. They stand anywhere from 2 to 3 feet tall typically.   They are born in large clutches, with anywhere from 100 to 200 Dragonlings being born at a time.  The incubation period of the eggs is about 25 days.   Dragonlings are fragile and often do not make it to the 30 year mark.  During wars, the bulk of Draconic forces are Dragonlings as they are easily replaced.  Outside of wars, they treated poorly in general, though some nations have passed laws in recent years to give them better treatment.  Any Dragonling over the age of 30 and therefore is at a 'deadend' of the lifecycle are treated the worst of all.
60 years

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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