Ekizer's Consumption

Sometimes called Ekizer's Curse or just Consumption, this is an infectious disease spread a bacteria usually called Ekizer's Hounds. Ekizer is the God of Disease and Decay. It is said that he created this disease before the invention of the written word.   At first, the disease starts almost unnoticeably with minor or no symptoms. A headache might just be a headache or a portent of a far worse fate. In time a glowing green fluid, called Green Bile, will begin building up in the person's stomach and lungs. Once the infected person begins coughing up or vomiting this fluid their chance of survivng the disease plummets. Within the next few weeks the sufferer will begin to decay. Their muscles will begin to atrophy, fingers and toes will begin to shrivel to the point of uselessness. Hair and teeth will begin to fall out. Eventually, their skin will begin to slough off. At this point, death is all but guarenteed as organs will one by one cease to function.   Prior to enough Green Bile build up in the body that the person begins ejecting it from their body, the chances of survival are quite high. Many recover from the disease without knowing they had it. Once Green Bile has built up to a critical point, there is a slim chance that they will survive. This slim chance is really only granted by proper medical care as without any aid death is a near certainty. Until recently, a swift death was considered a merciful and even moral way of dealing with someone who was vomiting up Green Bile. Only once several medical treatments were shown to reduce or even prevent further degredation, if applied early enough in the process, did it become more common to attempt to treat the disease.

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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