The Obsidian Order

A cult dedicated to Talen and loosely connected to The Jade Fang. It was, allegedly, formed when some members of The Jade Fang wanted to pursue a more long-term and less direct way of worshiping their God of Strife. They normally operate in small independant cells that only very rarely communicate or coordinate their efforts. Each cell is usually in charge of a defined geographical or political area so the potential for schemes to conflict with one another is minimized.   The Order focuses on laying out plans that can take many years to come to fruition. Members will integrate themselves into important positions of power and influence. They might have an agent work for years to become the trusted household servant of a noble family with the intent to whisper in the ears of the children to bring them into the fold of the Order as well. The friendly man that brings his crops to the market everyday may secretly be a member and when a mysterious illness sweeps through the village, none suspect it was all part of the plan.   Unlike other sects of The Jade Fang, The Obsidian Order never publicly take credit for their schemes. Doing so allows even the lies of people they didn't even know about to be whispered as if they did it. They wish to spead not just strife and chaos, but also paranoia. It is believed that they were behind the destruction of The Imperial City, but no one truely knows for sure. It is because of their suspected involvement that the incident is usually called The Judgement of Talen.   It is unknown who the current leader of The Order is, but reports suggest that they go by the title of The Shadow Master. Sometimes the name The Shadow Mistress is used instead. It may be that this is a single person that hold some sway over all cells. It may also be a group of people.
Religious, Cult
Parent Organization
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Cover image: by Simon Kim


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