Tsula Sitra

Sometimes called "The Mother of The Republic", Tsula is the former slave that convinced the Kingdom of Gryvane to create the Sekhtyrn Protectorate during the 20 Years War  She was made the "Matron" of the Protectorate, the highest rank the nobility of Gryvane were willing to create for this new nation.  They also did not want a former slave to get the idea that they were willing to see someone of 'low birth' be considered noble. Tsula did not care for a noble title anyway and wished for a more fair system to be implemented for her people.   Tsula was very careful as she impleneted more and more democratic ideas into the Protectorate during the War.  She did not want the nobles of Gryvane to think of her as an upstart or in anyway a threat to them.
320 e7 400 e7 80 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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