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Ahenz Chumessu

The Golden Queen

The leader and owner of the Midas Corporation, she controls vast amounts of money and power within almost all of the civilized kingdoms, realms and countries. Though little is known of her publicly, it is well known that her influence can be felt and should never be underestimated. While not in command of an army in the traditional sense, her massive private security is able to join in many battles as she sees fit. Never one to be seen getting her hands dirty, with very few ever laying eyes on her, she runs her corporation and the influence from her tower penthouse located in Siang accessible only her most trusted associates and her elite guard.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a well toned and taken care of body that seems to always be in perfect health.

Body Features

Her skin is satiny yet always pale from very little sunlight yet it retains a golden hue

Facial Features

Oval shaped face with very refined features

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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She is the result of a curse that her mother brought on. He mother beseeched a fey creature to beguile a wealthy and handsome man, the price was her first born child who would be raised by the fey creature. Her mother hid in a small village and hid in a temple to Ilmater to give birth to the child. Illmater, upset that a woman would bargain something as precious as a child, withdrew his protection from the temple and the fey creature cursed the child to be a medusa. Her mother was the first victim, and shortly thereafter the rest of the town either fled or were turned to stone. In her isolation she was raised and taught by the fey creature, but where the fey creature wanted to keep her in the ruins of her birth town, she longed for the warm embrace of civilization. She eventually ran from the fey and learned how to utilize her understanding of the arcane as well as the ability to hide in the shadows to begin amassing great wealth. As she learned with enough gold, privacy and influence could be bought but still she longed for intimacy.
She stays locked away in her tower by design, so little is known of her personal history even to the most devious of spies or intelligence gathering wizards. What is known is that she operates a massive corporation that allow, among many other services, clients to store their valuables in magical chests that can then be retrieved from any of the Midas Corporation's locations. This, while a convenience to many an ordinary citizen, is a massive boon to any country that would rather not have a large pile of gold sitting in one place. It is because of this that Ahenz possesses so much influence around so many of the countries, but she is always incredibly calculated and wary of utilizing that influence.


Is the head of the Midas Corporation

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has become obscenely wealthy

Wealth & Financial state

Incredibly affluent. Owning and controling many differnt locations as well as large ships that can ferry goods, gold and her private mercenary units across the known world. Additionally she has hundreds of retainers that can be called upon to lend their expertise to any issues she may encounter, many of them considered to be the experts or the greatest in their field.
Current Location
Year of Birth
854 ADA 141 Years old
Village of Chumessu
Current Residence
Orange gold
Long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with a golden hue
Quotes & Catchphrases
Time is money And money is money
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Sylvan, Draconic

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