Blackrock Peaks

The largest mountain range in the Mortal Realm is most well known for its unique color that is its namesake. As what the name would suggest, all of the stone within the mountains range from shades of dark grey to an almost obsidian like black. The stone is a readily accessible supply for any construction within the city. Lesser known by outsiders, the heavy snowfall and subsequent snowmelt provides a constant source of water to the city. This water is gathered, treated and then packaged to be sent by transport back within the city walls. Most famously, and what many would consider most importantly, the mountain range is a true treasure hoard of precious metal ores, minerals and gemstones. Merkonus has created extensive mining operations throughout the mountains over the course of centuries and have never been short for supplies to feed their endless inventive spark. The mountains are so dense and extensive that most experts estimate that the city has only tapped into roughly 30% of what the peaks hold.
Mountain Range