Dragon Enhanced Spellcasting

Listed below are the spells that use material components. Some spells are enhanced using the components from harvesting dragons. Their magical nature can increase the potency, or allow for added effects to occur.
Note: The value of each dragon part spell component will be a minimum of 100 GP. If the spell requires a dragon scale as a component, for example, the total value must be worth a minimum of 100 GP for the enhanced spell to work. Dragon components will be considered "prepared" and will last up to one year in a component pouch. Additionally, if the spell components usually are consumed when the spell activates, this will consume the dragon spell components as well.
Spell Name Spell Level Material Component Components Consumed?
Acid Arrow 2 Black Dragon Horn Shavings: +1d4 acid damage No
Alarm 1 Silver Dragon Scales: +10 range (ft.) No
Animate Dead 3 Dragon Liver: One additional undead Yes
Antimagic Field 8 Metallic dragon horn shavings: +10 range (ft.) Yes
Antipathy/Sympathy 8 3 Different Types of Dragon Scales: +5 days of duration No
Arcane Eye 4 Dragon Scales: +10 range (ft.) No
Arcane Sword 7 Dragon Tooth: +1d10 force damage No
Awaken 5 Dragon Claw: -4 hours of casting time Yes
Bane 1 Portion of a Dragon Heart: +1 targets No
Banishment 4 Dragon Tooth:  +1 targets No
Barkskin 2 2 Different Types of Dragon Scales: Target's AC is not less than 17 No
Black Tentacles 4 Portion of a Dragon Tongue: +1d6 bludgeoning damage No
Chain Lightning 6 Portion of a Blue or Bronze Dragon Draconic Fundamentum: +1 additional bolt leaps from the first target No
Conjure Elemental 3 Portion of a Dragon Gizzard: +1 CR for summonable elemental No
Create or Destroy Water 1 Portion of a Dragon Heart: +10 gallons of water No
Darkvision 2 Dragon Eye: Effect lasts until after a long rest No
Delayed Blast Fireball 7 Red or Gold Dragon Scales: +2d6 fire damage No
Disintegrate 6 Portion of a Draconis Fundamentum: +3d6 force damage No
Enhance Ability 2 Dragon Scales: +1 targets No
Enlarge/Reduce 2 Dragon Horn: +50 range (ft.) No
False Life 1 2 Different Types of Dragon Scales: +10 temporary hit points No
Fear 3 Portion of a Dragon Skull: Range becomes a 50-foot cone No
Fireball 3 Red or Gold Dragon Scales: +3d6 fire damage No
Fire Shield 4 Red and White Dragon Scales: +1d8 fire damage No
Flame Blade 2 Portion of a Red or Gold Dragon Liver: +1d6 fire damage No
Flame Strike 5 Portion of a Red or Gold Dragon Liver: +2d6 fire damage No
Flaming Sphere 2 Portion of a Red or Gold Dragon Liver: +1d6 fire damage No
Fly 3 Portion of a Dragon Heart: +1 targets No
Freezing Sphere 6 White or Silver Dragon Bone Powder: +2d6 cold damage No
Goodberry 1 Green Dragon Scales: +1d6 berries No
Haste 3 Portion of a Dragon Heart: No additional effects when the spell ends No
Heat Metal 2 Red or Gold Dragon Scales: +1d8 fire damage No
Hold Monster 5 Dragon Bone fragment: +1 target No
Hold Person 2 Dragon Bone fragment: +1 humanoid target No
Ice Storm 4 White or Silver Dragon Horn: +4d6 cold damage No
Insect Plague 5 Dragon Tooth: +2d10 piercing damage No
Lightning Bolt 3 Blue or Bronze Dragon Horn: +4d6 lightning damage No
Longstrider 1 Portion of Dragon Liver: +1 target No
Mage Armor 1 3 different types of Dragon Scales: AC becomes 16 + Dexterity modifier No
Moonbeam 2 Metallic Dragon Scales: +1d10 radiant damage No
Raise Dead 5 Portion of a Dragon Liver: Removes -4 penalty to rolls Yes
Regenerate 7 Portion of a Dragon Heart: Duration is 2 hours No
Revivify 3 Portion of a Dragon Heart: +2d4 hp Yes
Shapechanger 9 1 type of chromatic and 1 type of metallic Dragon Scales: No concentration needed Yes
Shatter 2 Dragon Horn: +2d8 thunder damage No
Spider Climb 2 2 different types of chromatic Dragon Scales: No concentration needed No
Spirit Guardians 3 Chromatic Dragon Scale for evil or 1 Metallic Dragon Scale for good/neutral: +2d8 damage No
Stoneskin 4 1 type of chromatic and 1 type of metallic Dragon Scales: No concentration needed Yes
Sunbeam 6 Portion of a metallic Dragon Heart: +3d8 radiant damage No
True Polymorph 9 Portion of a Dragon Liver: No concentration needed Yes
Wall of Fire 4 Red or Gold Dragon Scales: +3d6 fire damage No
Wall of Ice 6 White Dragon Scales: +4d6 cold damage No
Water Walk 3 Portion of a Dragon Tongue: Effect lasts until the end of a long rest No