Dragon Hierarchy

Draconic Minions

The lowest of the brood hierarchy and the most common. These creatures contain draconic blood but are unable to ever become a full and proper dragon through natural means. These creatures include things such as kobolds, drakes, and half-dragons/dragonborn. Though lacking in the raw might of actual dragons, some of these servants have been known to rise up to earn great favor with their masters and come to wield considerable power in their own right. In some cases becoming powerful wizards wielding the draconic magics taught to them or exceptionally powerful warriors and acting as generals in the fields of war. If any of these servants are seen with the privilege of riding upon the back of a proper dragon, this should be taken as a warning to any that would think to cross them

Lesser Dragons

A full-blooded dragon that serves within another dragon’s brood. They are often wyrmlings, juvenile dragons and younger adults that have not attempted to leave and form their own brood or challenged the current brood master for dominion. They command the draconic minions or younger dragons within the same brood on behalf of the brood master and in times of conflict. Some dragons reach into full adulthood while never attempting to challenge the brood master or more often, leaving to form their own. This however, is exceptionally rare and generally only occurs for dragons that are a part of a Great Wyrm's brood.

Greater Dragons

Fully grown and matured dragons that command a brood of their own. Usually with a large hoard of draconic minions and lesser dragons under their command. They have usually amassed a respectable hoard of treasure and carved out a portion of territory as their own. Nearly all greater dragons still answer to a Child of Kur and their territory resides within one of their dominions. Some independent Greater Dragons also exist and remain highly contentious to be absorbed into one of the Great Wyrms fold. Greater Dragons that remain outside of an allegiance to one of the children are highly sought after by the Great Wyrms. Inducting the brood to the greater legion means a large growth in forces and usually a loss in territory from one of the children to be added to another's.

Great Wyrms, the Children of Kur

The oldest and most powerful dragons still alive, direct progeny of the King of Dragons. After their father’s fall, chaos ensued, and a great struggle erupted to see who would take his place. Some children fell in this conflict, others remained, and no unifying ruler was declared. The surviving Children have since staked large claims of domain over portions of the continent while they plan how to destroy the mortals and overcome their siblings. These Great Wyrms have surpassed the standard definitions and categories of dragons, no longer able to be classified purely as metallic, chromatic or gemstone in all cases. Each of these wyrms have grown in power to such a degree that they have taken on unique characteristics, powers, abilities and forms that make them wholly unique in their terrifying splendor.