Dragon Riders

The Shield of Dracheim

Two Dragon Rider guilds exist within Dravaria, the Order of Dragon Knights and the Order of Dragon Outriders. Both are creations of and reside within Dracheim. Comparatively new additions to the city's infrastructure and hierarchy, the guilds have grown considerably with each passing year with great effort by their Regent Lord. Their numbers remain few in comparison to other guild systems from the other city-states, but their capability's are great and rightly concerning to any outsider contemplating action against them. The practice is hated by those outside of Dracheim, but the results cannot be argued with. How the practice was developed is a highly guarded secret as well as how the government secures the eggs for the dragon riders. The Dragon Rider guilds are the backbone of the Dracheim military and the true power that holds off their enemies.

The Blade of the Regent Lord

Both guilds operate with their own focuses, methods and infrastructures from one another, even holding a form of rivalry. Both however are expected to be able to work together in the fields of war with the utmost precision. Each guild has its own Order Master, but all Dragon Riders answer to the Regent Lord. The current Regent Lord, Sundra Icebane has been very involved in the development of both guilds and the training of their members. When swift and decisive action is required, the Dragon Riders are the first to respond to her call. When draconic threats emerge, Dragon Riders are the first to make contact. Violence with dragons is meant to be a last resort and if possible to repel with dragon without lethal force. Though not always possible, the Dragon Riders have shown excellent proficiency in accomplishing this and their ability to work in tandem is awe inspiring to the masses. These skills act as warning to the other city-states that may consider direct action against them. Holding dragons as a resource has done much to level the playing field between numbers and removing Merkonus as the sole weilder of aerial dominance.

Dragon Riders in the World

A relatively new arrival to the armed forces of the mortal realm, Dracheim has maintained a tight control on their secrets to the practice. This has lead to Dragon Riders almost entirely belonging to the armed forces of Dracheim. Despite these efforts, sightings of Dragon Riders elsewhere in the Mortal Realm have already circulated. It is considered exceptionally rare, but not all dragon riders belong to Dracheim. Some rumors even discuss deserters from Dracheim's guilds. Whether they do not believe in the dream of cohabitation, seek to use these rare skills for dragon slaying or simply to forge their own path in the world depends on the individual. Even rarer are Dragon Riders emerging outside of Dracheim’s control. Some reports mention individuals claiming to have found a dragon egg in the wild and bonding with the freshly hatched wyrmling. Despised by most and seen as traitors to their own kind for taking in and bonding with the enemy, few openly act against a trained warrior with a dragon at their side. Many people wait for any opportunity or excuse to arise to have their precious dragon put down and/or butchered for parts.
Guild, Professional