Dragon Slayer Equipment

The Dragon Slayer Guilds have devised specialized equipment to assist in the task of eliminating dragons and their draconic minions. This equipment ranges from temporary weapons or traps to performance enhancing substances. The variety in equipment stems from the city-state they are crafted in to take better advantange of the natural resources and specialties at hand. The risk of smuggling such illicit equipment between borders is often deemed too risky to be worth the cost and makes finding specialized equipment outside of their cities of origin quite rare.


Deuria, true to form, has created its own brand of specialized dragon slaying equipment in the form of magical runes. The runes possess a wide variety of debilitating effects to hamper the slayers' prey, as well as enhancing effects to the slayer. The runes remain inert until properly prepared and activated with a command word. Runes are categorized into three fields: traps, defense and offense. Trap runes are intended to be placed ahead of an encounter as they take 30 seconds to arm. Trap runes will remain active for up to one hour once armed or until it is triggered by a dragon type creature, they cannot be deactivated once the command word has been spoken. Effects such as an antimagic field will permanently disable the rune. Defense runes bolster the armor or vitality of an individual or provide some other protective benefits. Defense runes last up to one hour once the command word has been spoken. Some defense runes offer pools of a resource, such as health, and will also expire if this pool is expended. Offense runes bolster the combat capabilities of a slayer's weapon. The primary benefit of offense runes are that they all last an hour and cannot have its effects expended prematurely unless subjected to an effect such as an antimagic field.

  • Stasis trap (uncommon) - a small rune, activated by a command word, that adheres to a flat surface. Once activated, it will activate whenever a dragon type creature moves within 5 feet. Upon activation, a pulse of magic eminates from the rune in a 10 foot radius. All dragon type creatures of size large or smaller within range must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed for one minute or until the creature takes damage. Higher quality stasis trap runes increase the affected creature size limit by one classisification and the DC by 2 per rarity.
  • Protection rune (uncommon) - a small rune, activated by a command word, that adheres to a person. Once activated, the rune grants no immediate effects. Upon taking damage from any dragon type creature, the rune emmits a protective barrier over the wearer like a suit of armor. The barrier reduces the damage that triggers the rune's activation by 10 and grants 20 temporary hit points. Higher quality protection runes will increase the activation's damage reduction effect by 5 and the temporary hit points granted by 10 per rarity.
  • Lethargy trap (rare) - a small rune, activated by a command word, that must be placed flat upon a horizontal surface. Once activated, it will trigger whenever a dragon type creature moves within 10 feet. Upon activation, a wave of magical energy is released in a 25 foot cube. All dragon type creatures within range must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the rune for one minute. An affected target's speed is halved and takes a -2 penalty to its AC and Dexterity saving throws. Regardless of the creature's abilities, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effects on a success. Higher quality lethargy trap runes will increase the size of the cube by 5 feet and the DC by 2 per rarity.
  • Dragon Slayer (rare) - a small rune, it must be attached to a weapon to function and is activated by a command word. Once activated, it enchants any nonmagical weapon with a +1 bonus to attacks rolls and an additional 1d6 damage to dragon type creatures. If used on a magical weapon, it only grants the additional damage effect. Higher quality dragon slayer runes will increase the damage bonus by an additional 1d6 per rarity.


The home of invention excels in all innovation, even in the illegal fields of dragon slaying. Taking advantage of their most powerful resource, their brilliant engineers, a vast assortment of specialized equipment has been developed to help give dragon slayers the edge over their tyranical foes. Using similar technology to their black powder weaponry, they have designed a series of specialized ammunition with its own unique launcher to propel payloads across a battlefield to aid allies or hamper enemies. The launcher shoots the ammunition at high velocities, causing the casings to break upon impact and release their payload at the designated areas. These specialized ammunition do not require the launcher to be activated but require more force than a normal individual can provide by throwing it. Breaking the casings open by hand removes the ranged capabilities but does still grant the effects within their various radiuses centered on the user.

  • Dragon Launcher (common) - this specialized firearm is modeled after the revolver and only requires one hand to properly wield but is bulkier than other weapons of a similar size. The specialized ammunition it is designed to launch requires modifications to the base design it takes inspiration from, reducing the ammo capacity. Instead, its chamber allows it to hold up to three different shots before needing to be reloaded.
  • Sedative Round (uncommon) - this round is marked by a magenta colored casing tip. Once fired or broken, a magenta colored mist explodes from the point of contact in a 10 foot radius. Up to 60 hit points of dragon type creatures in the area are affected by the mist in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures). Starting with the dragon type creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by the mist fall unconscious for one minute, until the sleeper takes damage or someone uses an action to shake the sleeper awake. Subtract the dragon type creature's hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature's hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected. The mist itself lingers for the full minute duration, retaining its hit point pool for its full duration. Any dragon type creature who's hit points drop below the remaining mist hit point total fall unconcious to the effect of the mist. Additionally, launching or breaking additional sedative rounds at the same point of origin adds another full pool of hitpoints on top of the currently remaining pool.
  • Stealth Round (uncommon) - this round is marked by a teal colored casing tip. This round is inteneded to be broken, rather than fired, releasing a teal speckled mist with a 10 foot radius. All creatures within range are cloaked by a scent similar to dragons for one hour, allowing for the targets to more easily sneak through hostile territory. All affected targets creatures have advantage on Stealth checks against dragon type creatures for the effect's duration.
  • Toxin Round (rare) - this round is marked by a green colored casing tip. Once fired or broken, a thick green mist pours out from the point of contact in a 15 foot radius. All dragon type creatures in the area must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and take 1d10 poison damage at the start of its turn for one minute. On a successful save, the creature does not become poisoned and instead takes 1d6 poison damage at the start of its turn for one minute. The toxin round ignores a dragon's resistance and immunity to poison damage and immunity to the poisoned condition.
  • Gag Round (very rare) - this round is marked by a silver colored casing tip. Once fired or broken, a haze of silver flecks explode from the point of contact in a 10 foot radius. Any dragon type creature that inhales in this haze in an attempt to use their breath weapon begins to cough violently and is unable to use their breath weapon that round. A dragon that fails to use their breath weapon due to this effect retains its action but their breath weapon is considered expended and must recharge it.