Dragon Slayer Magic

Over the hundreds of years that the mighty dragon slayers fought their bitter enemies, any advantage possible over the dragons were sought. Weapons and inventions to even the playing field were created, specialized in fighting and killing dragons. One of the mightiest weapons of all, magic, was no exception. Using parts harvested from the corpses of fallen dragons, Deurian mages used these powerful catalysts to develop extremely potent spells to win the war. These spells were freely shared and taught to any dragon slayer that sought to learn them.

As time passed and the practice of dragon slaying was made illegal with the Coexistance Accords, the use of these spells were banned. Records and instruction on these spells were placed under tight lock and key deep within the Deurian archive vaults. However, with the resurgence of dragon slaying in the modern day, rumors linger that these spells have begun making their way back to the reforming guilds.  

3rd level:

  Dome of Draconic Protection, a dome of protective magic against a dragon's breath weapon
Brittle Scale, an enchantment to weaken a dragon's scales to attacks

4th level:

Dragonhide, a spell to provide protection to a dragon's weapon attacks
Dragoncry Song, a disruptive spell that frightens and harms dragons

5th level:

Draconic Weapon, an enchantment to increase the lethality of weapons against dragons
Talon Spike, a guaranteed ranged strike against dragons

6th level:

Dragon Bolt, a blast of magical energy that chains to multiple enemies
Marked Prey, a spell to mark and track a dragon across any distance

7th level:

Draconic Binding, magical chains to lash and entrap a dragon
Drakon Stall, a bewildering attack upon the mind of dragons

8th level:

Fog of Death, a viscious fog to impede and harm dragons
Deurem's Aegis, a spell of empowerment to assist in slaying dragons

9th level:

Flay, a spell to tear the scales from dragons
Deurem's Wrath, concentrated might of dragon slaying magic to smite the dragons