Dune Snakes

The Dune Snakes are one of the oldest syndicates within Reg'naat, second only to the Desert Suns. The lifespan of this syndicate stands as a similar anomaly to the culture of the city. The advantage of time has also allowed them to plant deep roots in cornering their specialized markets. Instead of spreading their influence to multiple fields of industry, they have instead formed the tightest control on their revenue streams, creating an essential monopoly in these fields. More than any other syndicate, the Dune Snakes have expansive network of smaller syndicates that answer directly to them for permission to operate within their territory or move their products. This has created a very effective shield for their operation by having a very large pool of underling organizations to call upon to act as muscle, middle men or take the falls in their place.


A unique and defining aspect of the Dune Snakes is that they've held the same leader from its inception to the modern day. Rikerag Nakles founded the syndicate and built it into the narcotics empire that it is today. At nearly 200 years old, he has an unrivaled amount of experience that is used to keep the Dune Snakes at the top of their game. However, due to his age, he has taken a much more hands off approach and delegates most day to day activities to his lieutenants and keeps to his compound to administer logistics or attend Coalition meetings.


The Dune Snakes participate in standard practices within their territory such as protection rackets and bribery. Their largest focus is alchemy. Any sort of developed substance from herbal remedy, to potions, to narcotics, the Dune Snakes hold a near monopoly on all of it. Their largest revenue generator of the three is by far narcotics. They have established extensive networks of facilities and fields for growth, refinement and distribution. Their stranglehold in this area is so tight that most syndicates that sell illicit substances actually buy from the Dune Snakes and operate as their middle men. Unlike most other syndicates, their production and distribution extends across the entire Mortal Realm. If anyone is using some kind of narcotic, it is almost guaranteed to source from the Dune Snakes. The syndicate are also considered the premiere candidates for any assassination requests. The Dune Snake's exemplary alchemical talents extend to extremely potent and rare poisons. Services can be employed to purchase one of these poisons for any buyer's personal use at an exorbitant cost. The Dune Snakes are very involved in the dragon trade, constantly looking for the ever rare draconic components.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Rikerag Nakles
Symbol: A coiled yellow cobra
Specialty: Alchemy, Narcotics