Engineer's Federation

Federation Chapters

The Engineer's Federation is composed of numerous smaller groups of engineers and inventors known as chapters. Each of these chapters retains large amounts of autonomy and is largely free to pursue whichever projects and interests its members have chosen to focus on. These chapters have their own hierarchy or infrastructure to support its members. An official chapter has no requirements other than members being Federation members themselves and officially registering with the Federation. Each chapter is responsible for keeping the greater Federation informed of all projects planned or in progress, findings from these projects, status updates, changes in project scope, completed projects and projects being dismissed. All chapters are expected to follow Federation rules and guidelines for moral and safe research and invention endeavors. So long as these guidelines are followed and the Federation remains informed, the chapters are nearly their own entities. Credit and potential gains from innovations created by the chapters are almost entirely retained by the chapters. Chapters that meet great success in their projects however, can find extra resources granted to them by the Federation to assist in spurning new breakthroughs. This autonomy is double edged however, failure and costs are entirely shouldered by the chapter. Funding their own projects is difficult in most cases and the Federation will make no efforts to keep them afloat or from collapse should misfortune befall it and its members. In such events the members are expected to settle their debts, reform a new chapter, join a different existing chapter or in some occasions be expelled.

Federation Committee

The main cohesive ruling body of the Federation is known as the Committee. Members who have elected to join the Committee have far less autonomy than chapter members, but much higher membership and financial security. Committee members are responsible for working in collaboration with assigned teams to research, construct, run maintenance or act as administration on assigned projects. This allows a more centralized and controlled coordination effort to run the logistics of the city, including services such as: city transportation, airship construction and maintenance, blackpowder development, infrastructure and most Warforged repair. Personal fame or glory is less likely to be achieved as a member of the Committee, but those of exceptional skill can still find advancement to senior positions and acting as Federation Officers. As officers, they become responsible for leading research projects and teams on vital tasks. The most advanced of these officers may even find themselves elevated to working as a member on one of the Federation Master's teams.

Federation Master

The Federation Master is the guild master and proper leader of the Federation. Committee members and officers work more closely and directly under their purview, but all chapter members ultimately answer to the Federation Master as well. This places the Federation Master as the effective leader of Merkonus. The Federation Master is an elected position by all Federation members based on who is believed to be the most skilled or influential inventor and engineer. The Federation Master is given a huge amount of control over the rest of the Federation and access to all of its resources. The holder of this title is expected to spearhead the greatest and most impactful of research and engineering projects to have significant beneficial impact for all the people of Merkonus. A Federation Master serves until they choose to step down or a reelection is called. Any Federation Master believed to be squandering resources or contributing no new innovations befitting of the title, a reelection can be called if forty percent of committee members support the motion.
Political, Federation