Federation Master Kordran Blackgrip (Koor-dran Black-grip)

Mechanical Revolutionary

Kordran is the current guild master of the Engineer’s Federation and therefore acts as the primary leader of the city-state of Merkonus. He is unquestionably an extremely skilled and talented inventor, few others can claim to be his peer in this regard. His greatest accomplishment is the creation of black powder refinement and weapons using this substance. Gun and cannon technology is still new within Merkonus, but highly dangerous with its applications and production being closely monitored by Kordran and his team. Kordran's inventions in this field remain ground breaking, but have also placed him as a controversial figure amongst the Federation. Some see him as a visionary leading Merkonus into a new age, while other believe his visions are too dangerous and risk collapse of what they have built. Rumors circulate that he has a secret project in the works that would make even his development of blackpowder refinement and weapons an impotent contrivance. If these rumors prove to be true, his critics believe that Kordran may be the true risk of collapse for the treaty and reignite the War of Scales.
Alias(es): Federation Master, Committee Chief
  Age: 91
  Status: Alive
  Gender: Male
  Race: Dwarf
  Affiliation: Engineer's Federation, Federation Committee

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