Glimmer Bay

The inlet for the Reg'naii River to meet the Great Sea. The bay acts as the primary trade and travel checkpoint for anyone going to or from the other city-states. Travel through the desert on foot is an unappealing task for many that are even capable of doing so. Those who cannot afford airship travel will often arrive by boat and pass through Glimmer Bay. While some airships do conduct trade with direct passage to Reg'naat, this is the minority. Most airship trade must also first dock at Glimmer Bay and unload its cargo there to then be sent upriver to the city. Combining this with its proximity to the centers of the fishing and farming industries, Glimmer Bay is the largest settlement outside of a city's walls in the entire Mortal Realm. The many forked paths of the river near the coast spread the sediment rich soil to create large farmland, but also create many waterways to help facilitate the heavy ship traffic sailing up and down the river. Though paling in comparison to those located with Reg'naat itself, there are still massive markets located on the shores attempting to loosen any coin before they reach the city. The waters earned their name by the beautiful glistening efffect that is ever-present on its surface. The sediment and minerals carried by the river, mixing with the sea water give it its beautiful facade.