Icewind Grove

The southwestern forest is known as Icewind Grove and rests along the border with Merkonus. The primary source of lumber for the city or any settlements being constructed outside the walls. Flora struggles to grow throughout the tundra but the frost is thin enough and the area temperate enough from being so close to the border that the pine trees endure and a small biome of smaller flora rise above the snow. The density of the forest is still limited and is more precarious as a supply source than forests to the south. The city government has worked to carefully plan and prepare all lumber operations to ensure that the forest does not suffer deforestation and deprive them of an integral resource in the future. To compensate for limited production, one of Dracheim's biggest imports is lumber from Merkonus. The forest itself is relatively peaceful and travel through it is low risk, but some predators or hostile creatures do live within.