Lake of Rememberance

The Lake of Rememberance is believed to be the final site of battle between Deurem and the Dragon King during the Day of Ruin. Writings from Vartel Moran detail how Deurem's grand host managed to lure the Dragon King and his horde away from the city in an attempt to spare it from the annihilation that was enveloping the rest of the Mortal Realm. The site of the climactic showdown was so devastating that it completely destroyed the area, leaving only a massive crater by battle's end. This crater would eventually fill over time to become the lake it is today. The Magus Collective has worked tirelessly since the end of the war to heal the lands with magics and return life to a wartorn landscape. The lake, however, remains as the greatest reminder of the war. Some believe the Collective refuse to heal the lake as it would mean removing the lake in its entirety. Beyond losing access to an important body of water, it would be seen as erasing a symbol of rememberance and honor that it has become known for. The lake acts as memory to the forgotten heroes that died on the Day of Ruin to save the entire realm. Many others speculate that the damage is simply too great and it is impossible to actually heal it. Citizens from all over the Mortal Realm make pilgrimages to the lake to offer their respects year round.