Moran Forest

The largest forest in the Mortal Realm, named after Deuria's founder in his honor. The forest serves as the primary source of lumber for Deuria and its citizens, as well as being home to dozens of types of flaura that are used to feed the ever high demand of the guilds and academies. The seemingly never ending supply of so many herbs, roots and flowers serve to create many types of simple herbal remedies, tonics or potions and fuel all kinds of more advanced research for the Collective. As bountiful as the forest is for the denizens of Deuria, it's depths are also very dangerous. Like any wilderness, it is home to dangerous predators and other territorial creatures, but it is also home to a much higher density of draconic monsters than anywhere else in the Mortal Realm. The forest shares a massive eastern border with the Dragon Lands and as a result has many draconic creatures wander into the forest to call it home. The Collective has assured the populus that extensive wards have been placed throughout the forest to closely monitor it for significant threats. Very rarely do any of these draconic creatures wander out of the forest and on the occasions that they do, it is usually a handful of kobolds or an errant drake. Such things are easily dealt with by the Deurian guards. Even more rare are lesser dragons occupying the forest in violation of the accords. None have ever so bold as to move remotely close to the city, but are very swiftly dealt with nonetheless. 
Most would assume that a draconic threat of any kind so close to the city would be a cause for alarm, but it is actually seen as a boon. The draconic creatures have proven to be a valuable source of test subjects to the guilds and academies for their research. Additionally, population control of the creatures has become a popular form of trial for those within the city. Slaying these draconic creatures is seen as the best way for one to prove their prowess and capabilities in Deurian society. Many academies capture simple creatures, such as kobolds, to use in entrance exams for their potential candidates while expeditions into the forest may be required for their advancement exams. The guilds and military see the creatures as a constant source to practice and hone their skills for what is commonly believed to be an inevitable return of war with dragon kind. Advancement in the ranks demands that individuals earn their merit through various slayings of the draconic creatures in the forest. Even individual adventurers seeking to make a name for themselves find that venturing into the forest is the quickest and most effective way to do so.