Night Opal

Night Opal is a very mysterious and perplexing syndicate to observe. It has astounded rivals and observers alike at every turn within its short life span. Turning rivals into allies, replacing enemies and growing at an inexplicable rate. There has been more than one occasion where the syndicates downfall seemed assured, only for it to not only endure but grow from the encounter. Night Opal has had an explosive rate of growth unmatched by any other syndicate in the history of Reg'naat and has even climbed its way to the table as a full member of the Coalition in under two years. Despite being the youngest syndicate in the city, it is well believed to be the richest.


Night Opal is lead by Omet the Lucky and he maintains a very hands on approach to management of his various businesses. Many of his lieutenants are former syndicate leaders running the businesses they held when they were independent, but now instead working for Omet. In the places where former enemies were unwilling to become allies, he has placed his own personal men to administer operations.


  Omet has focused Night Opal's business ventures in the mining of gemstones or other rare metals and gambling. By an unbelievable stroke of luck, Night Opal has been able to secure numerous mines from former syndicates and even discovered multiple new veins to open more mines. Much of this wealth has been transitioned into the opening or securing of numerous casinos and gambling halls around the city. Dominance in this portfolio has allowed Omet to control two of the biggest sectors that translate directly into raw wealth and has made the syndicate extremely wealthy even by Coalition standards. Night Opal has shown little to no interest in pursuing any other industries within Reg'naat, but have begun taking steps into the dragon trade.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Omet the Lucky 
Symbol: A silver ring with a blue gemstone
Specialty: Mining, Gambling