
Oasis is considered a veteran syndicate, having been in operation for around half a century. Oasis' current stake and claim into the coalition is off the back of a long line of succession. Control over the city's water access and distribution is an extremely desired after and highly competitive market. Each syndicate to seize majority control in this field has found extremely high levels of success and profitability, but have all met their end through violent means from rivals. Oasis is the current holder of control for these water rights having dismantled the previous syndicate from within with ruthless sabotage. Every syndicate that has held control of the water rights has held a seat within the Coalition and Oasis has managed to maintain its position longer than any predecessor.


Oasis is currently within its second generation of leadership, lead by Jastira Dacaryn. This leadership was passed down by Jastira's mother and former leader of Oasis. In the few years that Jastira has held the mantle, her leadership has been challenged many times by rivals. Each have been met swift and brutal ends. Jastira has been prepared for this position since she was a child and is more than eager to break anyone foolish enough to underestimate her. The organization has taken a much more brutal approach to business in general with most lieutenants being selected for their abilities to shed blood more than anything else. A saying has been born to reflect this new style in leadership, "The water is darker than wine in Reg'naat".


Oasis' primary activities and revenue derive from water control and distribution rights within the city, however they do maintain considerable holdings within the fishing and farm trade as well. Their near monopoly on water control grants them control over the amount of water harvested from the canal, its filtration process, distribution and rates of sale to the rest of the populous and rates for transport to other townships/facilities based outside of the city. They also participate in standard practices such as protection rackets, goods smuggling and have a moderate presence in the dragon trade.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Jastira Dacaryn
Symbol: Two water droplets, one blue and one red
Specialty: Farming, Water