Ocean's Scales

The Ocean's Scales syndicate is a rough and very protective organization comprised entirely of Dragonborn. Not all Dragonborn citizens of the Mortal Realm flee north to Dracheim. The frigid north is not very appealing to most and not worth the journey for some seeking to escape persecution. Instead these Dragonborn flee south to Reg'naat. In a city that cares more for coin than it does for people, it lightens the heel on their throat. While persecution is not as systematic or widely employed when compared to the likes of Deuria, the city is still very populous and diverse, which ensures that there are still swaths of people with anti Dragonborn mindsets. It was out of a need of necessity to protect her people that Ocean's Scales was formed by Karze. Banding together for physical protection is not enough to survive in this city. Coin is king, and Karze knew this if her people were to thrive and not only scrape by. With an unwavering resolve and drive, the Ocean's Scales have indeed thrived and have managed to rise to prominence as a member of the Reg'naat Coalition.


Very little is known about the Ocean's Scales organization and leadership structures. A female dragonborn by the name of Karze is established to be the leader of the syndicate, but nothing else is known to anyone outside of the organization except for other Coalition leaders. It is assumed that she employs lieutenants of some form in her organization for the simple logistics of being able to maintain her syndicate's operations, but the identity or distinguishing marks for these individuals remain anonymous. The Ocean's Scales furthermore act as law enforcement and their own micro sized government within the Dragonborn community in Reg'naat, adding further confusion to outsiders trying to ascertain the hierarchy. 


The syndicates primary gold generating revenue stems from heavy control over the fishing trade in the city at large and also maintaining their own miniature government over nearly all dragonborn run businesses. Heavy influence over the fishing trade leads to lower prices in keeping the Dragonborn community fed and inflated prices for most of the rest of the city. Additionally, they operate one of the largest intelligence networks in the Mortal Realm and will sell their services or pieces of info to the highest bidder. In recent years, their operations have expanded to include deep sea mining operations.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Karze 
Symbol: A white dragon wing
Specialty: Fishing, Intelligence