Ruby Thicket

The Ruby Thicket is a mesmerizingly beautiful forest, full of vibrant and unique life. The entire forest surges with shining reds from the leaves and moss to the fungi and and even the fauna. It is the only known forest to hold these strange characteristics in the Mortal Realm. The thicket recieves many visitors from far and wide, eager to gaze upon its beauty. While most are innocent passerby, it also receives many eager to explore it on scholarly expeditions. All studies so far agree that a strange source of magic permeates the woods, giving it the unique color and life within. Many visitors tell stories of strange phenomenon befalling them as they ventured deeper into the forest. Most have only encountered confusing and disorienting effects that end up redirecting groups back to the outskirts of the forest. Expeditions that have ventured to explore even deeper have encountered more violent responses from strange creatures that have forced the groups to flee the forest entirely. These mysteries and dangers have only increased the drive for answers, drawing more attention to the woods. Expeditions from academic scholars or intrepid investors seeking a new resource to exploit have continued to mount, but each returns with little to show for it while some do not return at all.