The Desert Suns

The Desert Suns Syndicate operates within Reg'naat as the oldest currently standing syndicate. Not only the oldest syndicate member of the Reg'naat coalition, but oldest existing syndicate within the entire city-state. Competition is cut throat and constantly evolving, forcing many syndicates to dissolve, be absorbed by rivals or splinter into new factions, causing most to only last a couple decades at most. The Desert Suns prides itself on being the only Syndicate to endure for nearly two hundred years of activity. For most of its existence it has held a seat at the table among the Coalition. With such a long tenure comes advantages of wider and more firm holdings on assets and resources. This has crafted them a position among the Coalition members to unofficially be seen as the most powerful syndicate (by most) within the city. The Coalition's system of governance relies on a balance between its members being equal so they can hold each other in check. The Desert Suns' rivals have growing concerns that this balance will be disrupted if they continue to grow in their current manner.


The Desert Suns have grown into the largest syndicate within the city. Each generation of leadership has managed to grow the syndicate or keep enemies at bay to prevent their regression. Under the current fifth generation of leadership by Bahir Soumoon, the syndicate has seen unparalleled growth. To properly manage all territory and operations, multiple lieutenants are employed to oversee different areas of operations or facilities. Lieutenants have always been a staple of syndicate structure, but with Bahir's lead there has been a noticeable increase in number within the Desert Suns. These lieutenants are personally selected by the current leader based on unwavering loyalty and exemplary skill in both operations management/tactics and battle capability. From its inception, the Desert Suns have been one of the more militaristic syndicates and this is reflected in its leaders. Every leader has been renowned for holding as much skill, if not more, in the field of combat than their skill in business. They are often expected to lead from the front when conflicts with other syndicates turn to violence. Every individual to hold the mantle of leadership has been selected as the successor by their predecessor, but Desert Suns law always remains that any member may challenge for the right to lead.


The Desert Suns hold a very large variety of businesses within their portfolio that they use to generate their profits. These include precious metals, fishing, textiles, dock management, gambling, narcotics, protection rackets and their specialty, weapons. The Desert Suns hold majority control over all weapon markets ranging from legitimate blacksmith businesses and imports to illegal firearms smuggling. Most weapons bought or sold within Reg'naat go through Desert Suns hands. This includes weapons supplied to the city guard, as well as other syndicates. Only other coalition members have managed to acquire enough resources to avoid reliance upon the Desert Suns for arms supply. To avoid other Coalition members from allying themselves against the syndicate, a deal has been struck that firearms smuggled into the city are not to be stockpiled by the Suns, but an equal share must be placed for sale to the other syndicates. Their participation within the dragon trade seems to be their most notable lack of presence.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Bahir Soumoon
Symbol: A golden sun and scimitar
Specialty: Firearms, Weapons