The Magus Collective

The Delegation

The Magus Collective is the governing body of Deuria, lead by an assembly of 50 prominent spellcasters and the Grand Magus. These 50 members are known as the Delegation and are responsible for most of the Collective's larger duties. Delegation members debate, write and administer the laws and systems of the city-state. These spellcasters are not strictly politicians and are even encouraged to partake in the various facets of society that pique their interests. Delegation members have been known to take on a wide array of pursuits, including: academy professor, independent researcher, merchants, military officers, and guild officers. Some members keep their pursuits strictly within the Collective and work on projects within its halls or aspire to positions of office. Representatives from all sorts of backgrounds and positions help administer the Collective. These 50 members are all handpicked by previous or more veteran Delegation members early on during their attendance within one of the city's academies. The students picked having shown great promise in raw magical talent or some sort of prodigious talent that has them stand out from the sea of other students. The collective includes many other personnel beyond the Delegation to help administer and run the duties of the government. These duties generally include lower level tasks such as clerical work, inspectors or specialized law enforcement.

The Grand Magus

The Collective's delegation handles most of the city-state's administration and day to day affairs, but all members answer to the Grand Magus. The Grand Magus but it is firmly lead by the Grand Magus. The Grand Magus is the most powerful spellcaster within the city and their primary charge is leading all efforts in its defense. This includes leading defense efforts against the city proper, coordinating responses to draconic attacks and leading research into new projects to better combat the dragons with their magical might. The Grand Magus is still responsible for leading the Delegation as well and often assigns special roles to trusted members to act as his or her voice on a given matter. These mages of office then report directly to the Grand Magus on these matters. In the events where the Grand Magus participates directly in any discourse, their word on the matter is final and considered law. A Grand Magus typically holds office for life, but there have been some occasions where the Grand Magus has chosen to abdicate the title to a successor. Each Grand Magus wields the Staff of Vartel as a symbol of office. Vartel Moran, closest companion of Deurem, served as the first Grand Magus and founder of Deuria following the War of Scales. This powerful staff is more than just a symbol, but also an extremely powerful magical relic that further cements the Grand Magus' position.

Academies and Guilds

The Collective has established numerous prominent magical academies to teach spell casting to the populous. Each of these academies are run by or answer to a small committee of Delegation members. The state's guild system are nearly all established, ran, or administered by the Collective. There are some rare instances of independently ran guilds and most Collective guilds are generally handled with a hands off approach. The Collective understands an outlet for more personal expressions of freedom are necessary for some of their talented citizens and seek to provide this environment. The academies act to ensure a continued growth in their state’s magical power and potential as well as generating large amounts of revenue. The guilds operate as “freelance” military support or law enforcement in times of need, while offering more freedom to pursue personal ventures and adventuring to their wilder spirited citizens.
Political, Faction / Party