Witch Species in Draygar | World Anvil
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Witches are magical beings by their genetics, unlike what Terran humans think. To be a true witch, one must be born with the innate ability to use magic. There are several types of magic that a witch is born with the ability to use, and the type of magic a witch has is typically related to their coven. A witch in a coven full of earth (Therranic) magic will normally be born with the ability to use that magic. There are exceptions to this.    

Types of Magic


    Luxen - Light

  • Defined as any user of elemental Light magic
  • Sub-Elemental Magic
    • Cerullic - Air
    • Pyranic - Fire

  • Twilitic - Light & Shadow

  • Defined as a magic user that calls upon both Luxen and Malosic magic
  • Neutral magic that finds a balance between the two
  • Sub-Elemental Magic

  • Malosic - Shadow

  • Defined as a magic user of elemental Shadow magic
  • Sub-Elemental Magic
    • Therranic - Terrafirma or Earth
    • Avalin - Water


       Covens are very private in all manners, especially when it comes to their magic. Fearing that what happened to their families on Terra will happen again, witches tend not to stray to Terra anymore. While they may no longer leave Arcaea, young witches do leave their covens to learn more magic and to find a significant other so the gene pools do not get too small. This is how mixed magic has begun to happen throughout Arcaea.        Since most covens are open to accepting witches from allied covens, the magic found in one has begun to merge with other covens. What was once definitive Therranic covens have noticed more and more younglings born with different magic; such is the case with necromancers finding that more of their younglings are not necromancers themselves. Covens have tried to blame one another for the mixing, but the wiser of the newer generations have diversified their bloodlines so they avoid the fate that the vampires have faced.        While some covens despise this mixing of magic and will cast out any and all children born without the ability to use their coven's magic, others have started to embrace it. These embracers have started referring to their covens as "havens for the twilitic."   

Havens for the Twilitic

       Starting out as a very small group of witches who were cast out of their birth covens and were not accepted by any existing covens, the twilitic covens welcome witches of luxen, malosic, and twilitic descent. They promote love and acceptance of all as well as the sharing of knowledge that the other covens kept to themselves. The traditionalists often say that the elemental Magic will put an end to the havens, but more Solins have come from these havens than any other coven as of recent.
150 Terran Years

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