Agathe Merryweather Character in Dreaming Chronicles | World Anvil
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Agathe Merryweather

Everyone who grew near the ancient forest of  Greenhollow has heard the legend of The Witch of the Ferngrove Hall. It is the go-to story for the parents to prevent their children wandering too deep in the forest and getting hopelessly lost. However, few know that a mansion in the forest actually exists, and that a woman named Agathe Merryweather once lived there, not alone but with her sister and their clowder of black cats. They were the last surviving members of the once prosperous Merryweather family, but unlike in the story, they never kidnapped anyone. Indeed, they mostly liked to keep to themselves, minding their own business. But are they truly gone, or do they still wander around the halls of their home, Ferngrove Hall?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agathe Merryweather was born somewhere in the late 1800s as a second child of the wealthy Merryweather family. She had an older brother, and a few years later, her younger sister was born. Living in the family estate of Ferngrove Hall, deep in the forest of Greenhollow, her life was full of adventure and wonder. She rarely left the estate, and thus, had no friends other than her siblings.
Sadly, the First World War, back then known as the Great War, took a toll in the family, as both her father and brother were lost. After the death of her mother, only Agathe and her sister remained, in the ruins of the once prosperous family home. Agathe never married, nor did her sister.
Current Status
Presumed dead
Current Location
She / her
Fern green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.7 cm

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