The Blood Witches Organization in Dreaming Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Blood Witches

If history has proven something, it is that talented women have been both feared and accused of being witches. Both of these statements hold true with the organisation nowadays known by its derogatory name "Blood Witches", who themselves preferred to be referred as the "Red Sisterhood". Founded in the early 1800s, the Red Sisterhood consisted of a group of talented women with a great interest in the art of magic. As it was, if not forbidden for a woman, at least frowned upon to have such interests, they had to act in secrecy, which created a perfect ground for different kinds of rumours and legend surrounding the sisterhood. Some believe that the organisation is still alive and acting in the shadows, while others argue that it was disolved in the early 1900s.

Public Agenda

The Red Sisterhood acted in secrecy, but it didn't prevent rumours from spreading especially in the later years of the organisation. While they themselves argue that they were but curious women trying to find their way in a world that tried to prevent them from doing so, stories speak of human sacrifices to gain more power and love potions to seduce poor, innocent men. Some have even speculated, that Roseanne Graves and The Graves' Six were just a continuation of the Sisterhood.


During their time, the Red Sisterhood gained a wide knowledge of the magical arts through studies they conducted. Sadly, most of it got lost after the sisterhood was disolved. They had an exceptionally good understanding on healing magic, as well as, so is told, about transmutations on human bodies. 

Early 1800s - Early 1900s

Alternative Names
The Red Sisterhood

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