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  Druimmor is the largest city on Calida, both in population and in land acreage. It has a Queen, but her role is mostly ceremonial. The actual decision-makers are the High Circle.

Seat of Andor

There is a Queen (character link in progress) & royal family, but her role is mostly ceremonial. Her main job is to propose Knights to be inducted into the High Circle, which the rest of the citizens of Druimmor vote on to approve, or choose between a few options. She can also serve as a tiebreaker for when the Knights reach a stalemate in decisions. Her family is financially audited every year and cannot own over a certain threshold. The High Circle is comprised of 10 knights which can serve for 10 years each. The Knights of the High Circle are expected to follow a strict code of ethics and eschew most earthly posessions, except for a specific list of armor, weapons, horses, and pre-approved utility items. This is to enforce the mindset that their sole purpose while in the High Circle is to think of the good of the state.   This ethics code is determined by the Hidden Council - a group of ordinary citizens whose identity is hidden from everyone but the Queen. Their identities are a secret because if they were known to the High Circle, this could create a situation where they may feel threatened if they make a rule that the High Circle doesn't like. Their only function is to provide the ethics code of the High Circle, and decide to recognize a new Circle or not.  
There is a high wizard who serves both the Queen and the High Circle, but he is known to be very reclusive, to the point where he doesn't answer messages unless they're from a select few people.
See Also: Knight Circles

History Events

Part of the reason the High Circle has such strict requirements is because several years ago, there was a big scandal. In the year 9825, there was only a royal family with all the decision-making power resting on a King (the cousin of the current Queen). A journalist exposed that he was using exorbitant amounts of tax money on brothels. Additionally, overall taxes in Druimmor were highest per capita in the continent, while the poor of Druimmor & its holdings were found to be worst off in the entire continent. Putting together the pieces, the money was all going to the King. The reporter was jailed for her 'slanderous' piece, but this incited a riot, as the masses of Druimmor stormed the castle and beheaded the King. For a few weeks, Druimmor was kingless, with a few separate groups each trying to install their own style of rule. In this time, the current Queen came in and parleyed with each of them, and the current government is what came out of those negotiations.

Geography, Landmarks

Druimmor is the capital of @[Andor] The plains around Druimmor and its two first holdings are characterized as being gorgeously green, rolling hills. Many of the buildings in Druimmor are made of brick or wattle & daub style architecture. The castles most often end in circular, crenellated towers with peaked roofs.  


Their economy is mainly based around textiles, carpentry, and many hand-crafted items. Tourism is also a valuable part of Druimmor's economy due to the scenic layout and rolling hills.        


  • Druimmor
  • Druimmor High Circle Room
  • Druimmor CoS secret entrance
  • Druimmor Arena
  • Druimmor Arch Wizard's Tower


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