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Knight Circles

Various Knight Circles exist, most frequently in Andor , but sometimes in other places. Each has a different code of ethics, application requirements, and overall vibe and goals. Some require a lifelong commitment, but others can do contracts as short as a month-by-month basis, in which you are expected to uphold your oath for as long as you're a part of their circle.
  All circles are associated with the Office of Knightly Affairs, which can organize an interview to see if you're a good fit for a circle that's open to new members. The Office of Knightly Affairs is located on The Hill (a neighborhood) in Druimmor . Typically once you're inducted into a circle, they have tasks for you. The entry-level positions are usually given experience and mainly serve for making a name for yourself. At higher ranks, there may be material rewards depending on the tasks completed. Knight Circles typically provide boarding and food.
  Knight Circles (other than the High Circle) function as contractors for the government of Andor, but they can also be hired out or asked for favors by ordinary citizens. They can function a bit like mercenaries, but they still have their own honor codes they commit to.

Known Knight Circles

These circles do NOT correlate exactly with paladin oaths - each has one that would probably fit it best, but you can join these circles under a different oath since they are intended be able to fit a couple different oaths each. There are other recognized and unrecognized circles beyond just the High Circle, though right now, "Elemental Circles" are highly popular. The members of the High Circle are basically always recruited from another Circle where they've gained some rank and experience.
  High Circle One can only get into this circle by being 1st selected by Queen and then confirmed by the vote of the people of Druimmor. They vow to prioritize the well-being of Andor above all else, and give up most material posessions except for those that they use in their duty as Knights. A High Circle Knight may not lie, but in situations where the truth would be detrimental to the security of Andor, they may say "The safety of Andor requires my silence." Knights of the High Circle are expected to hold each other accountable.
  Circle of Earth They believe that nature is a source of stability and balance, and it must be protected as well as the creatures on it. They look to nature as a source of morality: do what you must to survive, without causing undue harm. A Knight of Earth adopts a vegetarian lifestyle while under oath, and is careful not to exploit animals, and treats plants well. Due to their reverance of nature, Knights of Earth can be seen as somewhat misanthropic, where some might say that they don't care about people as much as they care about critters and plants, and they 'stand in the way of technological advancement.'
  Circle of Water They see themselves as an extension of water to nourish and cleanse the people of the world. They look to water as a source of morality: evil is dirt that can be washed away with time and care. A Knight of Water never strikes the first blow, and prioritizes peace, forgiveness, redemption, and self-defense. Knights of Water can be seen as passive and sort of pretentious; since they never strike the first blow, there is an innocent who would have to get hurt first.
  Circle of Air They believe that people should be free to move through the world like air, and if someone is doing something to limit the ways people can live their lives, then that person is causing harm. To apply Air to morality, they prefer to act like air: Nudge people in the right direction like a breeze, disperse the smoke of evil in the world, and allow yourself to reach to all ends of the earth like the wind. A Knight of Air would rather die than be taken prisoner, and must stand against undue power imbalances. Due to their commitment to freedom, some detractors of Knights of Air might say, "Wait, you just wanted to be a Knight without an actual ethical code"
  Circle of Fire They believe that burning anger is a force to be carefully controlled, used at very specific times, but not allowed to run amok.
They see lashing out in unjustified anger to be immoral as well, and they see it as immoral to give someone else a justified cause for anger. A Knight of Fire does not let a harmful deed go unpunished, in some form or another, even when they themselves do something bad. Due to their odd relationship with their emotions, Knights of Fire have the reputation of being very On & Off - they can make great leaps in emotional state over a short span of time if someone crosses a line.


  • Druimmor High Circle Room


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