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Fairest Fifteen

From the Blood of the vast expanse of the Sea of Crimson Red, the form of an elven woman emerges. While Marethari may look younger in death – no longer afflicted by smog, labor, and illness – her smile and markings remain unchanged from when Ghilani last saw his mother. She no longer has the hunch in her back or the callouses from years of factory labor. Now, amidst the souls belonging to Primus, she stands tall and proud in a gown of deeply dyed crimson, devoid of all patches, fraying, and stains. While Ghilani only ever knew is mother as the elven woman Marethari, she was also a blood witch: Fairest Fifteen. A relatively young blood witch, she witnessed the peak of Primus' efforts to build a suitable vessel to tether themselves to the world. She was there, in the Compound of blood, when Primus eventually succeeded.  
  Marethari, for centuries, was incredibly loyal to Primus and fully devoted. When her people were killed in the War of Forges, she had no one and nowhere left to go. Primus welcomed her with open arms. Yet, all of that changed when the child – intended to be nothing more than any empty husk – opened their eyes. She was immediately enamored and decided that this child deserved a chance to live... to choose. And so, before Primus could take control of their Vessel, Fairest Fifteen spirited the child away, abandoning her title as blood witch and reclaiming her original name, Marethari. She hid Ghilani from Primus amidst the City of Smog, a perfect physical cover especially when paired with her wards. Yet, despite that, she could still feel Primus' anger, hurt, and betrayal... and she soon began to feel the slow crawl of her own demise.  
Do you know why I named you Ghilani? I had always hoped that you would help to guide others... but none more than Primus.   All I ever wanted was to give you the opportunity to choose. If you are tired and wish to rest, then I will welcome you to this great crimson expanse with open arms. And you will know that I am proud of all that you have done.   If you have lost faith in the Being of Blood, then shake off their influence. I will do what I can to help. Reclaim what was yours from the moment you first drew breath. Even if the Sea dries, I will be with you and love you always.   Or you may choose your namesake. The Being of Blood is not like us. They do not know what it is like to be mortal. Show them. It does not have to be you or them. I have always believed it could be both of you... my two loves.
Current Status
Deceased, Sea of Crimson Red
Circumstances of Death
Primus One
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