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Port Oceana

Located on the western edge of Goddess bay, a towering wall of sheer cliff edges rises from the tumultuous sea, creating a narrow passage of water between their towering peaks and the mainland. It is here, shielded from the elements and the wrath of Varoona, that Port Oceana sits.    Strewn across the water are multiple floating docks, many of which have been equipped with the necessary tools and machinery to construct new battleships and galleons for the Varoonan Navy. On land, a large naval fort, surrounded by two rings of towering white walls - similar to those in Varoona Proper - houses a small garrison of the Bay Guard. The naval fort also houses the Countess of the Bay, a position traditionally held by an up-and-coming younger member of one of the elven noble families of Varoona. Between the duo of walls lies rows of warehouses, a small market, and homes for some of the more well-off members of the Port. Beyond the outer wall is a rather large shantytown that houses the poor, desperate, and common laborers that often end up at the port looking for work of any kind.    


  The naval forces of Varoona used to be housed right outside the city of Varoona Proper... but it quickly became apparent that a new location was needed. Time and time again, the rulers of Varoona watched the Navy be destroyed by Varoona's wrath and be rebuilt only to be the first hit by the large waves plummeting through the Bay. Thus, to avoid draining the coffers of Varoona every decade or so, the elite of Varoona built Port Oceana. Secluded behind a natural wall of stone and dirt, Varoona's wrath was tempered there. It also served as a convenient place to inspect and process incoming shipments from the West. Over time, the original settlement - composed only of a fort and shipyard - grew to a rather large settlement.    


  Over the past two months, the Port has been experiencing sporadic attacks. Whoever is responsible, appears to be targeting the floating docks - having destroyed multiple naval vessels - and warehouses. Some individuals have claimed that a monstrous creature is behind the attack and a bounty appears to have been put out for such a creature.
Military, Base
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