BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 14

General Summary

The Deep End perused the menu at Dragolée. Although creme brûlée is the restaurant's specialty, the menu boasts dishes - or inspired dishes - from every corner of the Dremoran continent, such as the Four Element Falafal and Hummus spread form Lark'Hal, a sampling platter of sweet and savory Baozi from Caliban, and a decadent seafood spread inspired by the port city of Varoona. Aftering ordering a round of drinks - cheap booze, fine mead, and sangria - the party waited...   Meanwhile, Moira began cooking her five-course meal, which included an excellent appetizer of eel spring rolls, a gorgeous salad with perfectly seared ampeel on top, a macaroni bake, well executed sushi with some mildly disastrous plating, and an inspired gelato that... didn't turn out quite right. Although Celtra has deemed Moira not quite ready to operate in her high end kitchen and learn her secrets, she did seem impressed. She invited Moira back to tray again.   After asking for Cali's help in acquiring a suit, Newt and co. headed to dinner at the Von'Della townhome. Callon seemed nervously excited when the party arrived. The party questioned how related Callon and Newt could be given that Callon has only the faintest tint of red while Newt is full blueberry blue. Lady Eirina Von'Della seemed happy to meet some of her son's friends and did not seemed perturbed by Newt in the slightest. However, upon mentioning her estate outside the city, Eirina began to drum her fingers on the table - a nervous tick. With some prodding - coupled with a few glasses of wine - Eirina revealed that she was seduced by a tiefling man who called himself Ravana. That night, she heard the screams of her family as they died. The tiefling man defended her as she ran. She never saw him again... and she has never returned to the estate. After the lady's departure, Callon agreed to accompany them to the estate whenever they choose to go. It seems he is invested in uncovering his heritage.    The Deep End made it to Port Oceana, where they awoke to find the docks in chaos. It seems that there was another attack on the Port and this one had the poor, the guard, and the dockmasters riled up. One of the largest naval vessels appeared to have been half sunk, with the bow jutting out of the water at a steep incline with the stern hidden well below the waterline. The guards and dockmasters frantically worked to remedy the situation before it was too late and the ship was just another wreck at the bottom of the Bay...   After Rani gathered information from her informant, a guard escorted the party to Captain Faumea Valdove. She seemed incredibly stressed and alarmed by the attacks as well as the situation. Until this past attack, she had doubted the reports about a "creature" being responsible. However, it seems she fully believes that something else is amiss. She is short-staffed, however, and must rely on bounty hunters. If the Deep End could find the creature, she promised to double the bounty.   While speaking with the Cpatain, Newt happened to notice another figure keeping close eyes on them. From atop the walls of the Fort at Port Oceana, another elven woman, dressed regally and reclining underneath the shade, observed them.   Rani was able to identify some odd clawed tracks and follow them, though she was uncertain what could have created them. After traveling for a couple of hours, they found a cave entrance hidden mostly by the water and the rocky outcroppings above it. Moira immediately weighed the pros and cons of wearing her armor. She ultimately decided to wear the armor (thank goodness).   After stumbling across a cavern filled with cages of prisoners - many of whom were frozen, staring blank-eyed at a wall or into the darkness - Newt saw a familiar face. In one of the cages, one of Caishen's old factory line workers was sitting. She was one of the few bounties Volo had brought back alive. Moira spoke with a worried mother (in her mind) and gathered some information before successfully calming the woman down, ensuring her that they would come back to rescue them. The entire party then all agreed they were going to die.   The party found some creates outside a blood splattered room. The crates appeared to have a familiar smiley face logo, but the tongue was more serpent-like than the previous. Before they descended further into the caverns, Newt summoned Thanatos, who appeared after a few minutes of waiting. Thanatos remained, perched upon Newt's shoulder.   Descending into the depths, the party crept to an opening into a large cavern where four humanoids huddled around a lantern seemed to be playing cards. Maniacal cackling echoed from the ledge above coupled with ravings about "perfection" and "the doctor". Silence followed as the party silently discussed the plan of action. Then, a mutated, grotesque creature with clawed feet and extended legs, elongated arms finished with bony claws, and a ripped open maw appeared on the ledge. Newt fired, prompting the creature to immediately jump at him, cackling madly.   The Widow bound the creature for a round before being pulled under by a water serpent. Newt attempted to flee into the air before being dragged back down by the creature. Rani dealt an incredibly amount of damage to the blinded creature (courtesy of Moira). With the party bleeding, the crazed and bloody creature pinned Moira to the ground with one clawed foot. Poised to strike, the spectral baguette sent the creature to its grave, impaling it from behind.   Amidst the creatures "nest" the party found some scraps of paper. While most of the writing was obscured by spatters of fresh and dried blood, some of it was legible.     
"Prepare for... arrive on... 'eron..."   "Support and defend... 'vantha..."

Missions/Quests Completed

You successfully took down the creature who's crude drawing was depicted on a bounty flyer posted in the city of Varoona Proper. It seems now, the attacks that Port Oceana has been facing will now cease... Upon returning proof to Captain Faumea Valdove, the bounty will be doubled.


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