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Queen Phaedra Ossaho'Mok

The current most prominent member of the Water Genasi family and all other genasi families is the Queen of Lark'Hal, Phaedra Ossaho'Mok. Chosen as Queen at a relatively young age, Phaedra has strived to exemplify the image of a generous and invested Queen to prove to those that granted her the position that their choice was valid. She has donated significant royal and personal family funds to various research projects at LIMA, sought to improve and expand protected patches of the Dune Sea for the wild Sivats, and promoted local, up-and-coming talents that exemplify the virtues and creativity of the city and of Lark. Despite her generosity and commitment, Phaedra is not without fault. It is clear from her ornate dress and flowering speech that she was imbued with the "royalist pomp" and arrogance of one who believes they are of a unique lineage that places them slightly above everyone else. She, of course, has interpreted this as her responsibility to care for those within her domain... but it is still her domain and her people.   
  Her attitude and disposition regarding her lineage and the people of Lark'Hal are not the primary targets for her opposition, however.  Rather, many debate whether or not her aggressive distribution of funds is wise. Perhaps they should not be allocated so quickly? Is the Queen just generous? Is she just throwing around funds to secure her image in the early years of her reign? Or does she have some specific, unspoken goal in mind? The answer is different depending on who you ask.
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