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The Heart of the Desert

Hidden deep within the rolling Dunes of the desert is a large, sprawling oasis surrounded by greenery that stands in stark contrast to the endless sands beyond. Around this secret treasure is the Heart of the Desert, a massive city of sprawling markets, royal palaces and estates, performance halls, street performers, and a myriad of colors from the rich textiles, unique art, and paints that are spread across the entire city during the Festival of Colors. It is here that the majority of Lark'Hal locals reside. And it is within this city that Creativity and new ideas are known to thrive. Overlooking it all are the Royal Genasi families who have ruled the city since its founding over millenia ago.

While the Heart of the Desert may exist in a desert composed of sands in one singular color, the city certainly does not adhere to a one-color rule. Atop the standard pale beige stone, buildings are decorated with colorful tiles, flowing textiles, painted murals, and – perhaps most surprisingly – greenery. The streets in Lark’Hal are kept purposely wide to allow vendors to set up stalls or carts from which to sell wares or to permit minstrels, singers, bards, and performers to delight passerby with whatever has inspired them. Arched Aqueducts, with pillars often carved in the shape of a gold dragon, a minstrel, or a great branching tree, run water from the central oasis to all parts of the city, permitting the greenery to persist even to the edge of the city.

Although skiffs have arrived, their use within the city itself is strictly regulated, specifically where they can go and the speed at which they can move. Often, the only skiffs are those moving cargo from a recently arrived caravan to one of the larger warehouses and general stores within the city. Beyond that, almost all the streets in Lark’Hal feature tiled roads flanked by “sand streams” which permit those who are licensed to drive sand seals to move throughout the city, pulled by their trusty companions. While guards are posted to help reduce theft or resolve trade conflicts, their primary tasks are to pull over people speeding on sand seals. The majority of people, however, simply choose to walk the city. For most, a marketplace, park, school, and any other establishment one could need are within no more than a 20-minute walk. Those who need to cross the city, however, can flag down a small, two-person sand-sled taxi or rent the city trained sand seals or camels.

Despite being surrounded by dunes, the Heart of the Desert is still a walled city. The walls, however, were clearly constructed to provide a barrier between city and desert as opposed to offering significant defense. Still, guards regularly patrol the tops of the wall and oversee entrance into the city. The wall is also the perfect height for the Air Genasi Sivat to drop off and pick up passengers. There is a portion of the Southwestern wall that has been converted into a suspended landing dock to further improve loading and unloading. Inside the city, an additional wall surrounds the Royal Palace and Estates and is monitored by the Royal Palace Guard.

The entire city is arranged in a set of rings around the largest desert oasis. Whether or not one believes the myth, there is a large set of Sivat bones at the bottom of the oasis, peaking out from the bottom sediment. The children and teens of the aquatic races that call the city home often find this the perfect spot to play, much to the frustration of some of their land-bound friends. Sand seals, camels, and other animals can be found hanging out around the crystal clear waters. The residents of Lark’Hal need not worry about people swimming in the water they drink from. The Water genasi family has ensured that the proper arcane and physical filters are in place so that the water can be enjoyed in all ways. All other regulations are taken very seriously as this water source is more precious than one can imagine. Additionally, a small park space is maintained directly around the oasis.

  From there, the city is organized in rings that expand outward with the exception of the Royal Palace, royal estates, the Lark’Hal Institute of Magic & the Arts (LIMA), and the Temple of Lark, which occupy a walled space across all of the rings on the Eastern side of the city. From the oasis, the agricultural ring is next – what little there is. Small farms here grow local produce – melons, squash, agave, sunshrooms and more. Beyond that is what is often deemed the “Market ring”, but there are three major markets: the North, West, and South markets. In between the large market squares are larger storefronts and other establishments like bars, clubs, performance halls, studios, and more. Further beyond that is the “Domestic” ring where most of the homes, schools, gardens, and green spaces are.

Notable Establishments

Amidst many other performing halls, gardens, market stalls and carts, art galleries and displays, and more, the following notable establishments are located within the Heart of the Desert:
  1. The Market Squares – North, South, and West Markets – The center of city life in the Heart of the Desert where locals, visitors, merchants, and performers all gather to trade gossip and news, haggle and barter, watch performances, and discuss the newest art installation.
  2. The Royal Palace & Estates – Ornate architecture, extensive hanging gardens, gorgeous fountains, and towering spires adorned in vibrant colors... the palace and estates are a sight to behold. Consider it a luxury if you have the privilege to tour it all.
  3. The Lark'Hal Institute of Magic & the Arts – Where the studies of the past merge with the delights and creativity of the present. Whether its for the arts or for archaeology, all aspiring minds have a place here.
  4. The Temple of Lark – A haven for all creativity and expression. Wander the ziggurat and delight in the artistic displays and performances before they are offered to the Sea of Moving Art.

The Streets of Lark'Hal



Presence of the Royal Families

Most members of the royal genasi families are nothing more than celebrities, but there are a small group of them that serve as actual politicians and are instrumental to running day-to-day affairs, negotiating trade, and ensuring that the city thrives. Amidst the city, each family has their own general "reputation":
  1. Air Genasi – With their propensity for travel, it is no surprise that their nobles are often seen at trading posts or in the markets perusing the arrivals of new caravans. They tend to go where the wind takes them and they return with stories to tell (and delight in telling them).
  2. Earth Genasi – The rivalry between the Maletshatsi siblings is still a hot topic with the only brother being a very popular figure. However, with their sway in building and architecture, most of their involvement in day-to-day life is who’s building the newest, weirdest home.
  3. Fire Genasi – Known for being the riskiest, it’s a miracle when there isn’t a scandal related to someone in the family. Many of them end up at LIMA or venture into the city often to perform, making them incredibly popular… as long as they don’t burn down wherever they go.
  4. Water Genasi – There’s this unspoken understanding that the water genasi hold a “sacred” role in society as the oasis gives life to the entire city. For some, they are unapproachable, but to those that dare approach, they are known to enjoy giving advice and guidance.


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