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Standing amidst a range of what could not be more than a rag-tag team is a more heavily armored, bulky figure. Adorned in wrapped garments, armor the color of dark sand, and a full face mask, there is not an inch of skin visible from beneath this assembled garb. Wielding a massive sword, Reti appears to be the leader of the band of Raiders stealing art from the Sea of Moving Art. Although his fellow raiders seem to have little proclivity towards combat, he appears to be well versed, wielding abilities that do not... quite seem to be his own, including an ability to warp and distort the Dune Sea itself.

Despite stealing from a religious site, Reti claims that his intentions are good... and perhaps a little vengeful. The art is sold on the coast to benefit those who the royal genasi families do not spare a glance for. There is vitriol that leaks from his voice through the mask when mentioning the families. They freely give to those who can easily afford and steal every copper coin from those who struggle to be able to create.
Current Status
Raiding the Sea of Moving Art
Current Location
Cursed of Akeldama
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