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The Desert Curators

The remnant of three destroyed nomadic clans and miscellaneous wanderers, the Desert Curators are a self-appointed group of individuals who have dedicated their lives to not only the more nomadic lifestyle amidst the Dune Sea, but to defending the Sea of Moving Art from those would seek to destroy it, harm it, or steal from it for their own personal gain. While many of them are followers of Lark, all of them are believers in the Spirit of the Desert – in the life force of the Dune Sea itself. The Sea of Moving Art is a testament to both Lark’s presence and to the livelihood of the desert, which makes it incredibly sacred.  
Every day, the Curators patrol the Sea of Moving Art. In the past, they have primarily served to deter threats and to assist those who found themselves unfortunately stuck in a “warp zone” or failed to pack enough water to get them through the sweltering heat. Now, however, they have found themselves readying for battle as they try and anticipate where the Raiders will strike. However, as fast as A’Homok’Kurát still is… he is nowhere near maneuverable as the Raider’s sand seals.  

A'Homok'Kurát – The Elderly Sivat

Although this great Sivat may have sagging skin around its eyes, it has not lost any of its speed in its old age. The massive, lumbering behemoth cuts and glides through the Dunes with ease. Atop its back, it carries a 7-platform saddle. One rests atop its mighty head and two rest along its spine. On its sides, the other four platforms hang, suspended from the two along its back, hovering no more than two feet above the sand as the Sivat swims.  
A’Homok’Kurát is one of the oldest living Sivats, but he still fancies the days of his youth. The old Sivat’s vision is certainly not what it once was and he has come to rely on his pilot more frequently. Despite this, the Sivat’s blood still boils hot as it did in his youth and he delights in the chase. He enjoys when the Wind Tree is visible in the Sea of Moving Art. Although many of his riders find the noise unpleasant, the great Sivat seems to hum another tune… one that is much more melodious than heard by most humanoids.  

Marudeva, Last of his Name

  The last of his nomadic tribe, Marudeva is A’Homok’Kurát’s driver and good friend. As a druid, Marudeva is able to communicate most effectively with the old Sivat, making the duo an excellent combination when high-speed chases are required. Besides his friendship with the Sivat, Marudeva prefers to keep to himself – the sole occupant of the driver’s saddle. He is a quiet, somber man who always seems to be deep in thought, staring off at the horizon… almost as if waiting for someone to return. He carries a spear and a horn with which he uses to sound alarms across the Sea of Moving Art.  

Hesperia the Unshakeable

  Almost always wearing a smirk on her face and a bit of a glint in her eye, Hesperia was blessed with a seemingly unshakeable pool of confidence. She is proud of her skills. She is proud of the skills of her allies. And while she always respects the skills of her adversaries, she also is not above trash-talking the ever-loving shit out of them. Hesperia’s tribe was destroyed by a particularly nasty sand storm. The survivors split apart. Hesperia was unwilling to move to one of the trading posts or cities. No, she wanted to prove that the desert could not beat her.  

Set the Forever Annoyed

  No one really knows why Set stays around. He hates the sand (it gets everywhere), he hates the sun, and he gets horrible motion sickness at unpredictable moments. Despite his grouchy attitude and seemingly permanent frown, he is a gifted herbalist who knows how to make the most potent of blends with the bare minimum. He talks very little about where he came from, but it is clear that it didn’t involve much fighting. Why does Set stay on the Sivat that clearly only brings him misery? His daughter always wanted to ride a Sivat… but she passed when she was but 8 years old. So instead, Set ¬– an ode to his daughter and penance for himself – will live out his daughter’s dream for her… even if it kills him.  

Kurazan the Reckless

  Always hanging over the edge of one of the sidesaddles, Kurazan is a thrill-seeking daredevil with a profound appreciation for art. He has interpreted Lark’s tenets to not just apply to art, but to one’s lifestyle. For that, he seems not to fear death… but tempts it. His death will be meaningful even if only to a small number of people. His quest is noble and it will be meaningful to the god he serves. When he is not testing his physical limits, he often pushes the limits of his mind, attempting to decipher the hidden meaning of a vast variety of things. He seems oddly insightful for someone who seems consumed by bloodlust when he fights.
Social, Activist
Alternative Names
Protectors of the Sea of Moving Art















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