BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


It is said that there is a trace of golden essence within every piece of artwork, delicate craft, or stunning performance. The little golden thread of inspiration connects back to Lark, the God of Creativity and Inspiration. Throughout the years, the conceptualization of Lark has shifted and is believed to reflect the actual change in the God's own "interpretation" of himself. The most common depictions include a humanoid dressed in sophisticated, golden robes, a great tree bearing fruit, a gleaming golden dragon, and, most recently, as a golden "spirit" barely confined to humanoid form. The most ardent worshippers of Lark are often bards, painters, and writers who travel from city to city or from festival to festival to create great works in honor of the God they serve. By the same token, however, some of Lark's most ardent opposers are also the most creative minds of the continent.


A Glimmer in the Swarm...

After encountering the leaders of her swarms in the streets of Lark'Hal, the swarm of bees and locusts have only grown as Rani has traveled. While traveling aboard the gifted arcane cruiser, the locusts exhibited a knack for and an enjoyment of painting - creating a crude portrait of Rani under Zephus' guidance. Their odd knack for painting continued, manifesting in a stormy backdrop utilized in the Varoonan production of On Tides of Dread. Dancing or fighting alongside Rani and her swords, the swarms seem to have a little bit of that golden essence to them.

Divine Domains

Light, Peace, Trickery, Forge, writing, artisans, craft and art, creativity, poetry, and music  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The blue topaz gemstone, a great tree, laurel wreath, lyre, scrolls, dragon scales, dragon fruit  

Tenets of Faith

Destined to Create – The truest form of worship to Lark is to find, discover, and grow one's own unique brand of creativity. Every soul and every creature has a song to sing, steps to follow in a dance, threads to weave, or a story to tell. As such, this inner creativity should be fostered and brought forth, not oppressed or repressed. Every individual has the right to creative expression and the worshippers of Lark are called to serve as examples of that right and to be active in destroying obstacles that wish to repress this right.  
The World is a Canvas; the World is a Stage – Every step, every choice, and every action is like a stroke of paint to a canvas or the next scene in a play. Mortals have the power to change the colors of the painting; to add something new or to cover something old. Mortals have the power to write the next scene; to fill the beginning, middle, or end with tragedy or light-hearted comedy. And like Lark's Sea of moving art, the individual marks of each mortal fade and wither like the sands of time... but although each individual artist may be forgotten, the creators of the future could not stand and create more without those who came before them.  


Festival of Colors
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations


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