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Session 16: Sister Lost

General Summary

Sunday, 21 February 2021     Morning comes. After breakfast, our heroes make their way towards the eye's office. On the way, Ruuch asks Seraphina if she is planning to stay with them, saying they are about to go on life risking adventures for the shard. She replies in the best way possible, and they arrive.   ########################## EDITOR'S NOTE: Ruuch: "You know this is dangerous, we do a lot of stupid shit." Seraphina: "I like doing stupid shit." Ruuch: "Understandable, have a nice day." ##########################   Entering the room, the group greets the Blue Eye and asks if everything went well with the power source they picked up two days ago. The blue eye seemingly chuckles and then, next to the party, a robot awakens. A green glow is emanating from its single eye, and it greets the party. "Long time no see, yeeeeees?". It turns out the giant robot contains the soul of the The Green Eye Hassy! He tells the party they need to go to an island out in the ocean, where an odd power rests in order to come closer to the shard. They can't simply teleport to it, and thus will need a ship. The group pulls out the jar of preservation showing that while they do have a ship, they do not have a crew. Ruuch and Arulo go off to search for potential candidates within the tomb, while the rest stays back. They find Ruuch's son and the old bodyguard of the doctor, who are both willing to help.   Arulo pulls out a chair and places one foot on it, only for a man to scold him for putting his dirty boots on a clean chair, calling him dickhead over and over again. Arulo doesn't simply take this and punches the man full on the nose, only for him to give a good smack back. Before things get out of hand, Ruuch casts hold person to keep the two at bay. Ruuch uses his dad powers to calm the two down. The dickhead man mistakenly calls Ruuch the captain, however Ruuch does not correct him much to Arulo's annoyance. Ruuch accepts the man into the crew, and Arulo is now fully irritated.   Back in the eye room Usze attempts to talk the the green eye, however it is slightly awkward. They talk about how things have gone since his death, about how running from Rashall has been more than difficult, and about Tempest'Lucia's  presence still being within him. Later on the group is reunited, and are now accompanied by 3 potential sailors. The green eye will also come with them in his new robot suit. Ruuch goes over the plan to everyone. They must first go back to Sycaath to find the old members of Arulo's crew. Then, Ruuch will turn into a giant eagle, fly over the ocean and drop the ship into the water after pulling it out of the jar. Next, The black eye of Sycaath can teleport everyone onto the deck. Usze marks that the Kraken could still be out there. The group thinks of using the crab-mech as an distraction if push comes to shove.   The party gets ready and moves out to Sycaath on foot. On the way through the woods, they hear shouting. Ruuch sends his hawk out and sees a fine gentleman with a bowl hat and suit, piercing a robe-wearing individual against a tree and interrogating him. The gentleman seems to have metallic spider-like legs coming out of suit. The group investigates, with Arulo and Usze staying hidden.   ########################## EDITOR'S NOTE: Ruuch: "Good day sir. You seem to be impaling that gentleman, mind illuminating me about the reason for this impalement?" ##########################   Upon approaching, the fancy man is not hostile towards them. Hassy looks him up and down, and seems to recognize the man, however it is not mutual. They find out that the robed figure being impaled is from a cult called "Knife of Raven". The fancy man explains that they have been around for a long time and are fond of transmutation, or rather the practice of transferring souls between bodies, and recently they seemingly succeeded. He mentions something about an odd scarecrow, followed by asking the group if they've ever heard of the prison of the gods. Meanwhile the robed figure dies, bleeding out. The fancy man explains he works as a hired mercenary, helping the prison track down those who should be behind bars and bringing them there. If they resist too much, he kills them. Upon leaving the fancy man says this: "If you ever see anyone who doesn't belong, tell them The Inspector is always waiting".   Once out of sight, Usze bursts from the bushes and tries to make connections between what the fancy man said and everything they've seen on their adventure. The raven and the giant bird in the sky, the cult, the inspector and the scarecrow. Ruuch buries the dead man and they continue on their path to Sycaath. On the way Seraphina and Ruuch manage to make a health potion from ingredients they picked up on the way. Making camp, Seraphina gives her potion to Arulo. Ruuch wants to hand his over to Usze, but he halts him and goes off into the woods, only to come back with a shield made of freshly picked bones and hide. They trade, and Usze is happy, not realising how disturbing the shield looks to Ruuch. The group rests.   The next day they continue on, and find a smashed carriage along with piles of dead bodies. Inspecting they scene, they find a small puddle of Sludge that was fought off and defeated, along with punctures in the side of the carriage resembling the spider legs of the fancy gentleman from the day before. Ruuch buries the bodies with his son. They continue on, not finding anything of note. The day goes by fast and they make camp again. Arulo goes out for a pee and is contacted by... Someone telepathically. Ruuch had sent out his hawk to check on Arulo, but of course is unable to see the conversation. Seraphina sits by the Dickhead-guy and they bond over their love of kicking things.   The next day comes and they reach the walls of Sycaath. The green eye Hassy teleports them all to the graveyard, where the black eye's tomb is along with the rest of Arulo's crew. Going down into the tomb, they are greeted by Faces and Jenny. Faces turns into Arulo, and the real Arulo compliments himself for looking so dapper. Faces then makes himself look like a very ugly Arulo, as a joke. Ruuch goes over the plan once more. With everyone ready, he goes outside and turns into a hawk. Seraphina and Ruuch's son Jeremiah hop onto his back and they fly off over the ocean.   Standing outside waiting for Ruuch's message, Usze is approached by Raine, who asks him to come with her. He agrees and is taken to a far off field at the borders of Sycaath. Once there, Raine turns into Faces, revealing it was him all along. Then, in front of him stands Rashall along with Arulo. Arulo had planned this the day before with Rashall while he was away from the group. Usze in anger, flies towards him and attempts to dimension door him and himself away, but is counterspelled by Rashall. In rage, He chomps down on Arulo's face. Kicking the Lizard off of him, he dashes away. Rashall summons a fire sword and attempts to slam it down on Usze, only for the Lizard to grow into a demi-wyrm. The draconic Usze clams its jaws around Rashalls skull. Arulo runs further towards a dark alley and hides in its shadows. Faces too, walks away.   Above the ocean Ruuch flies with Seraphina and Jerimiah, but they are attacked by a swarm of mutated bat-like monsters, just like the ones that found Ruuch when he flew above the laboratory. They fight them off long enough to be able to drop the ship, but at that point the bats have summoned their apex. The crew make it onto the boat and most of the rest is teleported to it by Sycaath's black eye, except for Hassy, Faces, Usze and Arulo. The giant monster tries to attack the boat, which now has a shield around it which is being held up the black eye and Ruuch. Seraphina continues throwing darts at it, and Jerimiah is instructed to go below deck to stay safe.   Back at the border of Sycaath, demi-wyrm Usze is puched straight through the chest by Rashall, which ends the tranformation instantly. With a fist in his chest and out of options, Usze attempts to contact Hassy through telepathy. Rashall summons a flame sword using the hand in Usze and ignites it, blowing away one half of Uzse's torso including his arm. Yet, he does not die. Instead, radiant light eminates from him, forming into his half side along with a giant sword. Tempest'Lucia is giving it her all to keep them both alive, and Usze and Rashall clash in a swordfight. Arulo sees this and realising if Usze survives he is in massive trouble, attempts to run but is tracked by a dark black hound like monster. Faces sees this too and goes in to help his captain.   The battle is severe. Blows are dealt left and right, but Usze is still being overpowered by Rashall's powerful strikes. Down on his final breath, Tempest uses the last of her power to stop one last his of Rashall. Then, Hassy appears and teleports Rashall away. Usze's light fades and Tempest passes, leaving Usze powerless and alone. Hassy comes over and puts the Lizard to sleep in order to keep him from feeling the burning left by Rashall. He puts the lizard over his shoulder and approaches Arulo, who is still fighting the hound. He smashed the hound, and curb stomps it to the ground, killing it. Faces being unconscious, is picked up by Hassy too. Arulo chases after him, asking to put down his crewmember. Then, they are teleported to the ship.   On the ship, the battle against the giant bat seems to be going less well than hoped. The shield has broken, and the bat is on the ship itself. Hassy places Faces and Usze on the deck, turns around and punches Arulo unconscious. Seraphina in the crows nest, comes down to beat the crap out of the bat monster. Ruuch unfortunately is the victim of most of its attacks. He is picked up and thrown against a pillar, yet somehow manages to survive. Jermimiah runs to his aid but sees his dad still standing and shows a sign of relief, only for Seraphina to be thrown in the same direction by the beast, slamming against Ruuch, knocking him out. Usze, Faces and Arulo are brought below deck to a bed. Seraphina makes one final blow against the beast, and with a blast from the eye, it is knocked back into the cursed sea, sinking down to the bottom.   Ruuch is downed, Seraphina is in bad shape, Arulo is knocked out, Usze is missing an arm and is in a coma, and finally Raine is fine.
Report Date
21 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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