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Session 18: Luck Runs Out

General Summary

Friday, 12 March 2021 01:06   Alister does an odd check up on Lysander, snapping both ears and tilting his head. He then explains more about the areas, and how although area 1 allows 50 to enter, area 2 only allows 5 per group, and that the groups inside must face off with one another to reach the next. The group then return to the safe zone for preparations. Seraphina spots Saan sitting at a table surrounded by others, and goes over to tell him about the inspector. He says he is sad to hear that the inspector resembles a mere human, and that he expected something more. Seraphina then goes over to do some pushups.   ############ EDITOR'S NOTE: Lysander walks over to some sludge, and it bubbles up a little. He then writes down the worthless piece of trivia: "Might have intelligence, maybe not" ############   Ruuch heads over to the bartender, who is actually a robot! After some small talk he orders a drink and gets a wonderful tasting one. Next he does some business with the mechanical man and although failing to haggle, he buys a pill with the powers of a short rest. Lysander joins him and attempts to order some apple juice, but Ruuch insists on him getting an alcoholic beverage.   ########### EDITOR'S NOTE: Lysander: Alcohol? isnt that poison for your body Ruuch: its the good kind! Lysander writes "poison might be good" ###########   After spending some time in there, the group learns a few things from observing their surroundings. Seraphina notices that the sludge has already headed out towards area 1. Ruuch has learned Zelthin and Daekas are in area 1, two high standing members of Telarus' army. Usze notices the gem creatures and followers of Mechanus are having a dispute, the gems trying to start and alliance but the followers refusing. Lysander sits down near some fey and Telarus soldiers talking about how neither the queen, nor Telarus himself are attending. The Queen seems to be safe in the Fortress, a place even someone with the powers of a shard cannot penetrate. Telarus' soldiers claim that despite not being here, he does have "something in mind". The fey want the shard for protection, while Telarus wants it so he can return to godhood.   The eye telepathically calls everyone to the table. Once assembled, they talk about how they will split up into two groups once near area 2, after Alister guides them through area 1. The heroes will form a group of 5, while the eye and Akhenaten will stick together. Ruuch shares the info about Telarus' minions, and Seraphina notes how the sludge has already moved on. Next, Alister approaches and along with him is the giant white dragon, the Tazza'Khool the group met on their way to Sycaath (see campaign nr.11). The Tazza'Khool notes how they have found a dragon egg in the white dragon's den, and promises to gift it to one of the party once they succeed. Usze agrees to take it if he survives.   With that, the party follows Alister into the first area. He creates a see through tunnel that the party is safe within, and they cross the large battlegrounds, witnessing every faction battle one another to the death. On their way they ask Alister why this place was made. It seems the benefactor that allowed Alister to use the power of the shard wanted to rid the world of evil and death, and wanted a great culling. However it couldn't be done with just one shard alone, so they came up with the idea to let all the factions kill one another.   With that, the group reaches area 2 and Ruuch, Raine, Lysander, Seraphina and Usze go through. They enter a room with two large armoured, winged knights. In the widdle is another, coated in a red gleam, and a large rifle on its back. The rifle, it is Palanthus'. Sure enough, after being noted by the two guards, Palanthus reveals herself to the party. Having no interest in talking it out, it seems the two groups are ready to throw down.   The battle is fierce, but they do not fight with murderous intent. Unfortunately the luck seems stacked against our heroes, as one by one the members are losing their stamina. Seraphina manages to safely knock out one guard, but Lysander murders another. Ruuch, facing off one on one with Palanthus, makes an attempt to murder the knocked down guard. Not accepting this, Palanthus plunges her giant blade in his chest, killing him. At this point Raine and Usze are already knocked out. Ruuch bleeding out, sends a last message to his son.   "Sorry son, but luck finally ran out on this one. If you make it out of here, be better than I was. Your mother sends her love."   With that, the demon he served takes his soul, and his final breath leaves his body.   Lysander makes an attempt to run from Palanthus but she catches up to him and asks why he killed her guard. He says he didn't mean to and did not want to do it, plus if there was any other way he would not have done it. She sees he is genuine, and instead of murder him, she knocks him cold as well. Seraphina, being the last one standing, does the unthinkable. She dashes towards Palanthus, runs along the wall only to jump off of it, using the forward movement to firmly kick Palanthus' head, and with a roundhouse kick bashes the side of her body down to the ground.   Standing victorious, she helps Lysander back on his feet. At this point Usze wakes up and helps Raine get up as well. They find Ruuch's dead body. Lysander grieves for a moment, but Usze goes straight to looting. They share whatever Ruuch had on him. Usze then takes out the useless handkerchief he was given by Ruuch, and places it upon the old wizard's face. He notices words form upon it. "What a shame..." it says. Not giving it a second though, the group continues on. Serpahina attempts to steal Palanthus' rifle, but chooses not to after realising she has no idea how to use it. Usze asks the AI what will happen to Palanthus and her guard. It seems they will safely be teleported back to the safe zone, and they will need to start again from zero.   With that, our heroes make it to area 3.
Report Date
05 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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