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Session 2.5: An A-Maze-Ing Adventure

General Summary

Campaign 2.5 The maze   Tuesday, 1 June 2021 20:40   Usze is approached by the Green Eye in his dream, and offers him a choice. Either he takes him as his patron, granting him powers he has never heard of, or he gives him the chance to rescue Tempest'Lucia from Prison of the Gods. Usze, obviously, chooses to save his mentor and former patron. The eye expected this, and tells him he can bring one other person with him. He decides on Adalai, and when he is called in he is asked if he wishes to join. Adalai says yes, and the two are transported to The Maze, a place meant to guard the prison of the gods. There they must locate three keys and find the well. Once near it, the eye can bring them to the prison. Once there, they must find Tempest'Lucia's cell and pay off her jail time with something of high value. Usze thinks to himself, and then suggests...   the Heart of Presco.   Next thing they know, the two heroes find themselves surrounded by bushes and thick trees that seem... More alive than normal. After finding a potion bottle and smashing it open, revealing it to be magical, they find a note in said bottle, depicting a skeletal hound like monster. Underneath, written as if it was in a hurry, it says "I thought The Warden wasn't supposed to kill people... Why..."   They continue on and find a fallen over tree. They try to climb over, but fail as some magical force pushes them off. Reading the message, it seems to indicate it needs magic to be destroyed. They do so, and a pulse is felt. They walk past a corridor and smell something like a carcass coming from said corridor. Usze wants to investigate right away, but Adalai convinces him that is a terrible idea. A growl is heard as well, as they move on.   They pass by and enter a room partially covered in a strange black substance, with ring symbols drawn near all entrances. A mind flayer stands in the corner, studying it. He greets our heroes and they greet back, asking a few questions. The Flayer explains he works for the Fey, and that the Sludge just suddenly appeared here. The rings keep it from spreading, however one shouldn't touch it as it kills and dissolves rather fast. He also explains he himself is also looking for three keys, as there are a number of places in the maze where one can receive them. Adalai summons his two wolves and lets one touch the sludge, only for it to die upon contact.   Unfortunately in order to move on, the two will need to jump over it to reach the next exit. The mind flayer strongly suggests they don't, and says he won't help them if they mess up, but the two don't mind and go for it anyways. They try to jump, but mess up both. The mind flayer despite his earlier statements attempts to help by making the two float. Usze lets him, but Adalai does not. He falls partially into the sludge and is hurt badly. They need to jump again and Usze suggests he throws the boy. Unfortunately he slips again and Adalai almost dies yet again, however this time he accepts the mind flayer's help and is saved, though his magic staff is not as it slowly sinks into the sludge. Usze attempts to retrieve it, but fails. Then they see it, at the entrance, the skeletal hound stands. The Warden. It however, does not attempt to jump the sludge, and walks back.   They move on and reach a giant mouth in the wall. It comes forth with a few riddles. The two manage to answer every single one except the last. Frustrated, Usze attempts to talk the statue into giving them the key insisting the final riddle was bogus. Not getting anywhere, he scoffs and walks off towards the exit. Adalai takes a sneakier approach and strikes up a conversation with the statue. Once it opens its mouth to talk, he commands his other wolf to grab the key. The statue chomps down, crushing the wolf's skull. (They're summoned though so don't worry, they're fine.)   Saddened, he follows Usze to the next room, where they find a well. Next to the well stands a young woman holding a rose, and upon seeing the duo she is startled. "Thieves!" she exclaims, while holding onto the rose in her hands. Usze, confused, attempts to talk to her but she won't budge. Adalai then gives it a try, seeing as he's a lot less scary on the eyes. Looking into the well, Usze sees items form of whatever he thinks of. Usze feeling bad for making Adalai lose his staff, is thinking about it and pulls it out of the well using mage hand, which sends out another pulse. He gives it back to Adalai. However, it seems the item is still halved by the sludge. Adalai looks down into the well and pulls out a glistening diamond, handing it over to Usze. "This should be plenty to bail her out!"   Then then realise their mistake; they could have gotten two keys! Turning to the girl she shakes her head, saying she already used hers on the rose she is holding. Adalai continues to talk to her as she explains they had stolen her and brought her to this place. Then it clicks in Usze's head. You're the heart of Presco? Adalai turns around confused, but the woman confirms. Her soul was placed inside the stone in order to keep her safe after a curse was placed on her by an evil goddess that was fought long ago where the town of Presco stands now. Usze attempts to get another item from the well, but it burns his hand by quite a lot. Then, they smell the stench of death again. Adalai casts magic on them and the girl Presco, as they try to escape.   The Warden catches up on them however, and in an attempt to get rid of the monster, they split up. Adalai walks around, as Usze reaches what seems like a house. He attempts to smash open the door, which flies open rather easily. There, in front of him slightly perplexed stands a heavily clad, proud looking man. He introduces himself as Zelthin, as Usze desperately tries to convey how the horrible Warden is closing in on them. Zelthin hears the slams against the door and shrugs it off, saying the Warden cannot enter the house he made himself. Usze asks what he means, and Zelthin explains how this realm works using someone's mental capabilities. If your mind is strong enough, you can think of something and make it appear. Usze tries to make a key appear, but fails. No longer hearing or smelling the Warden, he goes out the other end of the house and searches for Adalai.   It doesn't take long before he finds him, and not long before the Warden finds them both. Then run back towards the house Zelthin made, but not without first witnessing the Warden be unaffected by any of their attacks. Adalai trips and demands Usze to go on without him, but Usze refuses. At the last minute, Zelthin opens the door and pulls them both in, saving them from the skeletal hound. Usze, out of breath, thanks the military man and calls him "general" considering thats as far as his knowledge goes on ranks. This however angers Zelthin to no end, and he demands the Lizardfolk to never ever call him that again.   Adalai is brought up to speed and tries to think of a key, but fails as well. Zelthin then proposed he can give them one of his keys, if they would take out the mind flayer that they met earlier. He's supposed to do it himself, but he doesn't feel like it. Adalai gets a little smug (probably learned from Ruuch) and attempts to talk up a deal. Zelthin however is less moved than a concrete brick and tells them he can simply throw them out and leave them to the Warden's will. Adalai apologises, and not long after they are on their way again.   After some time, the two reach an open area with a piano and two skeletons. On the piano, three pieces of paper sit, on them three songs. One about the beginning of life, one about an everlasting dance, and one about the end. After a failed first attempt at playing them in order, upon his second try, Usze is guidanced by Adalai, who at that moment of support for his friend, forgot about the consequences of using magic. The pulse shoots out. The songs are complete, as the skeletons animate to life.   A key is obtained, but the stench of death has grown exponentially. The two heroes attempt to hide within the trees, but it is to no avail. The Warden enters the clearing, and has them in its sights. Adalai in a move of bravery uses his magic to entangle the beast, and attempts to slip by. A fruitless effort, as before him, Usze witnesses his long-time friend be torn to shreds by the creature. No time to mourn, he grabs the amulet that was flown off of Adalai's body, casts spider climb to climb over the wall of trees and jump to the other side, then runs until he can run no more.   After some time passes, Usze runs into two odd figures. A floating brain, and a scrawny man. Usze greets them, and the man tells the Lizard to touch the floating brain's tentacle. As he does, he can suddenly understand the brain. They tell him they are here looking for keys, as they are working for someone. They suggest a team-up, and seeing as he is now alone, Usze agrees. With the brain's ability to sense where the Warden is, they move on through the maze.   Usze upon instruction of the brain, goes off around many corners. At some point he finds a chest, and opening it he sees the remains someone... Adalai perhaps? A sudden, unnatural urge for hunger flows through him as if an external entity is forcing him to consume the food in front of him, and he does... For some time. Eventually though he regains consciousness and ceases, deciding to grab the pieces of flesh and place them in his pouch. Further up, he finds remains of another traveller, and in there a rather powerful dagger. Bringing it back, the brain insists Usze hands it over as payment. Usze refuses, saying he will give it once they succesfully collect the keys and find the entrace to the prison.   Another key could be collecting from finding three statues. Usze had already run into one earlier, and the second could be found up ahead. However, upon passing an opening, the lizard is grabbed by a large hand. A giant creature looks at his newfound prey, claiming to have been stuck between the trees for a long time, and having been unable to be freed by the Warden ever since it went "crazy". Usze, in an attempt to fool the creature, takes a torch from his bag and manages to place it against a tree, biting through the wood. With this display he claims he can eat the trees around the creature, freeing him. It works and he lets him go. Usze says he will be back in a bit, and sneaks off towards the second statue. On his way back, he manages to pass by unnoticed.   The three continue on until they find themselves facing a red pool. Approaching it, Adalai's amulet reacts, as his water spirit comes out. She looks at the pool, and then at Usze, pointing at the bag he has. Taking the bag with Adalai's remains, Usze drops the pieces into the water, as the water spirit cries at the edge. Assuming a key is at the bottom, the brain suggests Usze to dive in. Usze finds it too dangerous, and commands the scrawny man dives in as well, with the brain's tentacles around their ankles for safety. They agree, and together they jumps in, though the man is immediately pulled out by the brain. Usze however, goes down and sees the remains of Adalai form together into what seems like... Another Adalai?   The force gains control of Usze again, and somehow he feels... Defeated. As if this is an acceptable end for him and his friend. He sinks to the bottom and, accepting his fate, lies motionless. Then, he feels himself pulled. Opening his eyes, it is the water spirit grabbing not just him, but the new Adalai as well, and they are flung up and out of the red liquid. The water spirit, having now turned red, goes back into the amulet and is not heard from again.   With Adalai back, Usze and the brain are splitting. The brain demands the dagger (just after stealing it), but as Usze looks around for it, he sees he has lost it. Usze however, claims the brain did not complete his part of the deal (they had not gotten enough keys yet) but the brain is steadfast. Usze, unable to pay up, is now in their "debt". They part, but Usze seems too busy being happy with Adalai's return. Together they continue through the maze. Eventually they find the third statue, along with the third key.   The Warden is hot on their tails as they finally find the entrance. Placing the keys in, suddenly the green eye's tendrils come out, pulling both of our heroes in at the nick of time, as the Warden had been on their trail all this time. Once inside, they find themselves in what seems like an office. Hiding under the desk, some soldiers in armour they had never seen before enter briefly, and leave right after. Looking at the monitors on the wall, they see a prison break is happening right at this moment. A massive beast has escaped with the help of some off crystal-like monsters. Nonetheless, our heroes had a goal, find and free Tempest'Lucia.   They run through the huge facility, passing many battles unnoticed. Creatures far stronger than they have ever seen fight for their life all around them. They reach an open bridge, spanning over a large battle. As they attempt to cross it, a dark, monstrous entity appears before them. The green eye communicates with them. "This is something I'll have you do for me, as I have helped you so far. She has done e ill to me, therefore you must kill her". Usze, filled with determination, agrees to the request, and a battle ensues.   With the powers of the green eye and their own bravery, the two manage to fight off this dark goddess. Blocking her attacks, sliding around her, and piercing her every pore with flaming spears created by the green eye himself, they manage to fell the monster. Adalai pierces one spear through her skull, and in recoil, Usze slides underneath her and stabs straight through her. The creature lets out its last scream as she fades from existence, our heroes victorious. The green eye thanks them, and they proceed through the prison. Little did they know, this act would come to haunt them for the rest of their lives...   They dash through many more battles, even witnessing Zelthin take out a massive dragon. They reach the cell block they needed to be, and after paying the bounty using the gem created by Adalai in the maze, the two manage to find Tempest'Lucia's cell. She is beyond surprised they were able to find her, let alone be able to help her escape. With no time to explain they run back through the prison. Reaching another bridge, they are intercepted on both sides; one with sludge monsters, the other with crystals. Being stuck between the two factions, they have no choice but to fight them off until the green eye is able to call them back. In the brink of time, they are able to escape.   The next morning they awake, and although Usze was successful in bringing back his patron, it would soon come to be they had gotten more than they bargained for...
Report Date
22 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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