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Session 5: Wasteland Strangers

General Summary

While traveling along the Hedoon Wastes on their way to Kalanthus the group meets Vic  and they catch up on recent events. Somebody stole his dog, Saan  apparently had something to do with this again. When he tried to find Treebark he stumbled upon the gay dudes in the same outpost we've been to and there was a centaur with talons!! They tell stories while traveling through the Hedoon Wastes. The crystal creatures Usze  saw in his dream were also seen by Vic. He said they took on the shape of a deer. A mysterious event occurs. The sun blocks out and we all feel compelled to leave the carriage. It's very very dark outside, even though it was clearly morning a few seconds ago. It appears the crew is no longer in the Hedoon Wastes, instead we appear to be floating in space, we see planets and stars, we see infinity and other incomprehensible things. Vic, lydia and Adalai immediately start crying at the sight. The horses bow their heads, so even dumbass critters get effected. Ruuch starts crying too eventually. Usze is the only one to resist whatever is happening. The sun returns. Even Usze's god was crying. The crew agreed that was the strangest thing but couldn't find an explanation for this event.   During a long rest there was sandstorm. It buried the horses knee-deep but they turned out fine. Nothing else eventful happened during the night. The crew moves along. During their travels they start chatting again, It appears Ruuch lies through his teeth about being of the order. After everyone else except for Adalai calls bullshit he tells the truth about taking the gem to pay off a debt.   Suddenly there's a rumble, then out of the ground giant snake beasts emerge with hardened skin like a bugs exoskeleton. They also have big praying mantis wings. The crew gets completely wrecked. Adalai turns into direwolf for the first time but gets clapped and downed twice anyway. Usze misses his eldritch blasts. Lydia sleeps during battle, like some kind of twisted karma for sleeping Adalai in the first fight they ever had. Ruuch fails his Yu-gi-oh moves. Vic shot Usze, downing him. Then Adalai shot him with a bolt, Usze is traumatized. Ruuch froze the snake in a final blow and made it into a statue, saving us from doom .   Adalai summons horses for us to ride through the desert, because the snakes destroyed our carriage. We are rather close to Heston so Lydia puts up a tiny hut just outside the village. Adalai wants to head into Heston, but we are not allowed back in there because of personal vendetta's. Usze is too tired to follow him so Lydia goes with him. They head to Heston together. When they arrive the village was flattened to the ground like the carriage in the wastes. Bodies, corroded and mauled were sprawled across the rubble that was once a peaceful village. Among the bodies they see a shifty figure with a knife and revolver, the figure is occupied with.. maybe stealing something off the corpses? Adalai feels a sense of hatred towards them.   We learn Heston has been destroyed by the centaur monsters, the way the figure described it, it sounded like the same creatures Vic noticed. Sludge creatures came as well, these must be the same as the ones Usze dreamed of. We learn that the sludge began crawling it's way towards Kalanthus but the centaurs may still be in the area. The introduces themselves as Palanthus and we bring them back to camp. Ruuch is still awake and wants answers. Palanthus tell us Traskarr may have fallen, they know this because they escaped from there. They came from a lab. One day they were doing tests and the alarm rang. When they got out they saw the city being destroyed. Ruuch is upset because his family lives there. Palanthus wears a mask, but remains private on what it means.   When Lydia asked about what Palanthus was doing back at Heston, being bent over the bodies like that they responded that they "want something that they (the corpses) have to not go to waste. " which made Lydia want to Homer Simpson her way back into the tiny hut dome, obvious organ harvester vibes and all. Despite that we somehow felt safe enough to let this person stay among us. Morning came and Usze and Vic were confused about the new figure. Upon seeing Usze Palanthus responds to Usze's goddess, which only Usze is supposed to hear in his head, nani?!   ##################### Oneshot   We're being sent to a lab as towns guards to investigate some peculiarities with Lord Hasnarr's manor. Major is friends with this dude. This is top secret, a scouting party has been sent to check it out, but no one returned. Now it's our turn. #####################
Report Date
26 Nov 2020
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