

The lost prince.

  Beolore, hatched without a name, is the 8th child hatched to the silver tribe's royal family. As an egg he was taken by one of his father's generals to far away lands in hopes that he would grow up free from the royal families curse of cruelty. During the journey his egg was lost, but was later found by a gold dragon woman who had raised him for a while before a tragedy struck that claimed her life. From that point on, Beolore has been in and out of several individuals care, usually with less than favorable results that often added mental scars to the poor child's physical ones. He was even in the hands of Howahkan, but this had not lasted very long before he had been abandoned yet again.   his own traumatic experiences had made him to be untrusting and fearful of other people, but that has been changing as he deepens the bonds he has with those that have come to know him. Most notable of these people have been Aurra, a Aldrien priestess that had healed his wounds and treated the boy as a surrogate son, Kiernan, a Daoine warrior that has stood by and defended Beolore even though the price for protecting a silver tends to be quite steep, Sharna, a Marcurian priestess who he has fallen into mutual love with and has regular back and forths with, and Micco, A hualapai leader that Beolore has developed a level of respect for.    

The prince's journey

  When Beolore and company had gone to Reul, Beolore was formally adopted by a local business woman and leader by the name of Auria. The young silver is largely indifferent at best towards his new "mother" and views this as a blatant bid to get her fingers in the potential pie that Beo claiming the throne would bake, and said view has effectively been confirmed by the woman herself. His new adoptive sister Alinaese has been traveling with him and trying to teach him the ways of business and politics with some degree of success. Their relationship isn't exactly great, but it's also not terrible. Beo would prefer the mind magics not be something Alinaese uses on him and to his credit this has led to some unintentional mental training against mind magics and for sensing oddities in his state of mind.   In Ra Minol, Beolore had met with Caelum and Anaga Astrelian and recruited them into the party after Caelum had used a spell to contact Beolore while he was on a ship heading towards Ra Minol.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a typical build for a Silver. Muscular, but not overly bulky.

Body Features

Bright gray scales on the top of his arms and shoulders, and lining his legs. A thin whip-like tail he tries to keep hidden. Many scars over his torso and back with a few on his legs and arms.

Facial Features

More Gray scales lining his Cheeks and eyes. A piercing look in his eyes. A scar on the underside of his chin.

Identifying Characteristics

Scales, Cloaked most of the time.

Physical quirks

Right handed.

Special abilities

Elemental magics, the ability to fully pull on his dragon blood, unnatural resilience.

Apparel & Accessories

Hooded trench coat with a mask to conceal his face. A durable sash that he uses as a belt for his sword. Gloves and boots.

Specialized Equipment

Moderately skilled at swordplay and acrobatics.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For a majority of Beo's life he has been on the run. He can't stay in populated areas for long for fear of persecution for being a Silver away from the mountain. Many have hurt the poor kid, even as a child, and he has had to run, hide, heal, repeat on so many occasions. The good people he has met typically suffered trying to help him, adding another layer of grief on top of the already existing amount of crap on his plate. He has seemed to have found a home with his new friends from Ra Minol, but he secretly wonders how long will that dream last.

Gender Identity

Attack Helicopter


Straighter than a line.


Largely uneducated, but presently being taught by his adopted sister and girlfriend/magic tutor in a large variety of subjects. Was taught to read by Aurra.

Mental Trauma

Fear of exposure and a lesser fear of crowds. Emotional scarring from being forced to fend for himself and kill to live since he was young.

Morality & Philosophy

The world is deeply unfair to him and has been led to believe that the good people will inevitably be trampled upon for being soft. Ultimately his life experience has left him Cynical, yet deep down he wants to have his world view destroyed and embrace the hope of a better day tomorrow.

Personality Characteristics


Currently, Beo is just going with the idea of overthrowing his father and becoming the next king.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Banter, fish, sailing. Dislikes: Crowds, Alastor, Demons, Gods, his loneliness.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal to those that have earned his trust. Sympathetic to those in similar situations as him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Confrontational and Agressive. Doesnt really cope with stress well. Vengeful.


Contacts & Relations

Adopted into the family of the leader of the Hydra Society, Auria. His adopted Sister/teacher Alinaese. Girlfriend/magic tutor Sharna. The Astrelian siblings. Kiernan. Society member and Daoine Head of Commerce Cidolfus Solondore. Kel's gang.

Family Ties

Hydra Society leader's adopted son. 8th Child of the Silver king.

Religious Views

Wants nothing to do with the gods and believes they are self serving

Social Aptitude

Fine in small groups, but even then his attitude can be poor and he can be brash.

Wealth & Financial state

Doesnt handle money, but has support from Alinaese

The long lost 8th prince of the Silver tribe. Scarred and harsh, Beo is slowly healing and advancing forward with a magic sword from the god Marcus.

Current Location
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Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hydra Society member, Lost prince.
Mount SilverFang
Current Residence
Moving around.
Ice Blie
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8in
Known Languages


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