
God of Fear and Dread Fovos

Fovos is of the first gods to go down an evil path, and pretty early on too. Originally, Fovos was a god of love and courage, but eventually he came to crave power, and he found he could gain it by feeding off of people's fears instead.   Thus Fovos corrupted to doing evil deeds and began to believe the fears he spread. Fueled by fear, Fovos now moves with vengeance to gain as much power as he can, targeting mortals specifically, because their fears give him most strength.   Fovos is a cruel master who constantly uses fear to manipulate and control his subjects and victims. It is all he knows to do, and he is afraid of losing them. He is afraid of losing the power he has worked so long to build, but if one were to meet him, it would be hard to know that. The only time it is notable that he is actually afraid, is if he is pinned down and defeated. Otherwise, he will relentlessly pursue his target fearlessly, because he knows if he can get them to fear him, he will always have the upper hand.   Everyone has fear, and he'll make sure no one misses out on fearing something...

Divine Domains

Fear and Dread

Tenets of Faith

Fear is in everyone's heart, and if you can find their fear, you can control their actions.   To control others is to have power, both over them and for yourself.   Don't let anyone know your fears, or they can steal your power from you.   If you can't find any fear in a person, give them something to be afraid of.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To gain power from every living thing by either spreading fear, or exploiting it, and eventually kill all gods that do not submit to him and kill the Creator.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fovos is one of the first gods to go rogue.   Fovos helped create the first black holes including Kallen, a star, turned black hole, that he shaped into a void dragon   Fovos drained half of Mishabar's power, allowing him to take control of an entire planet, move it under the mortal plane and make it into his own realm   Fovos created the first Vampires

Failures & Embarrassments

Fovos failed to conquer Drimore on his first raid against it.   Fovos was thrown into Hell for a thousand years, only recently being released.

Mental Trauma

Fovos has had to endure Hell and be left completely powerless for a thousand years, this has only amplified his fears.   Fovos fears the Creator and any god or being he cannot control. He is essentially afraid of being powerless, so he works very hard to keep that from happening.

Morality & Philosophy

Fovos wants enough power to usurp the Creator, and he's willing to kill, manipulate, and control others to get that power. The only people he can trust are those he can control, and even then, he's left weary and afraid of losing power over them, so he'll constantly lie, cheat, and distort until he's broken down the will of anyone who stands up to him.

Personality Characteristics


Fovos is driven by wanting power for himself to destroy the gods before they destroy him. He will control as many people and things as he can until he achieves this goal.
Divine Classification
First Generation God
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
1100000 EOM 500050 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Creator had just made the universe.


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