
The Second Born Mishabar

Mishabar is the God of Unity and Defense, as well as the Second Born. As one of the first born gods, Serran is looked up to by the other gods and by many a mortal; especially, the Alatash. Creator of most angelic-type celestials and the giant gas nebula Drimore hides within, Mishabar has also played a big role in shaping the universe.   Created directly from the Creator Himself, Mishabar watches over all the other gods, making sure evil does not ultimately triumph, by protecting and uniting those pure of heart and intention.

Divine Domains

Unity and Defense

Tenets of Faith

For there to be great unity, there must also be great sacrifice. Unity does not exist in a world of constant self serving. This does not mean you should not take care of oneself, but rather not have self service be the focus.   Unity stands on its beliefs, and does not come from fluid morality. Nothing can be built on beliefs that are here today, and are gone tomorrow when something comes to test those beliefs.   To spread unity, you must also be willing to stand for those who cannot stand and defend them. Stand for the weak, stand for the homeless, stand for the destitute, for the down trodden, for those who are sick, and even those who are in jail. All who are down, deserve to be lifted up.   Be patient in affliction, you'll never know the rewards that come from enduring hard things with a gentle spirit.   Do not turn away those who are not like you. Your enemy is not those in which you can see, but those in which you cannot.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To unify the universe in love for one another and the Creator, and to defend those in need.

Physical Description

Body Features

Mishabar has no known height, but he is said to have 6 arms and 4 wings. For the most part, Mishabar looks like a human, but he has a constant halo glow around his head.

Special abilities

Mishabar is given the ability to create both living and nonliving things for the purpose of protection and prospering those who do right. As such, Mishabar can create anything from wealth, to angels, to celestial objects, to even disasters and ruin, all for the purpose of bringing people together. The only conundrum, is that Mishabar weakens the more united people are, as he gives out his life essence to sustain unity. Once discord enters, the unity returns to him for the purpose of fighting evil and keeping it from advancing too far.
Divine Classification
First Generation God
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
1000500 EOM 599550 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Creator directly


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