
Mousefolk are a race of sentient mice that all stand on their hind legs. With their creation unknown and obscured by time, they stand in the face of reality and vastly inhabit one of the distant continents of Drimore: Darum. As cute as they are, Mousefolk are a force to reckon with, as they keep up with the other local races and their technology levels, even sometimes one-upping them. Mousefolk are known for the ingenuity and quick thinking.

Basic Information


Mousefolk are a race of bipedal mice that stand at larger heights than a normal mouse. Their bodies are mostly covered in fur and they have two large ears and beady-black eyes. They stand on hind legs that are bent, but the rest of their body is more human, with the exception of their hands which are more rounded like paws. They also have typical mice-shaped skulls and faces.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mousefolk are rapid breeders, and can birth many babies through one pregnancy. However, typically, they will only ever get pregnant no more than 2- 3 times in their lifetime. Each pregnancy lasts about three months, and the female will birth a small litter of about 5 - 9 babies on average.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Mousfolk do not live long lives. There life stages are as follows:
  • Birth - 3 Months: Infant
  • 3 Months - 1 Year: Toddler
  • 1 - 5: Child
  • 5 - 8: Teenager
  • 8 - 20: Young Adult
  • 20 - 30: Adult
  • 30 - 40: Middle Aged
  • 40+: Elder

Ecology and Habitats

Most Mousefolk like to live in temperate climates, like open plains, deciduous and coniferous forests, and they can occasionally be found in slightly warmer climates as well. Yet often, most Mousefolk like to avoid the very cold and especially very hot, due to their fur, though they can handle colder regions better than hotter ones.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mousfolk are mostly herbivores, but they can also eat things high in protein, such as eggs. They also love all forms of cheeses and milk.

Biological Cycle

Mousefolk tend to sleep shorter from Spring to Autumn, and longer in the Winter, especially if they live in colder climates. Mousfolk also tend to shed during the Summer.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Mousefolk look like mice, so their faces are very mice-like, with some more human characteristics added in. They however can have extra hair on the tops of their heads and sometimes even grow mustaches if they are biologically male. They can also have eyes that range in color from mostly black, to most red. They do have irises though, but their pupils are generally large and make up most of the seen eye.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mousefolk originated in Darum and span much of the continent. They are not found in many other places yet.

Average Intelligence

Mousefolk are sentient.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mousefolk have exceptionally good hearing like their non-sentient normal mice cousins. They also have night vision that allows them to see in very dim lighting.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Mousefolk tend to use more British names for themselves. Surnames and middle names are very important to Mousefolk, as they produce big families, and therefore need multiple names to tell them apart.

Average Technological Level

The Mousefolk are at the Late Medieval Era of technology, and/or also the Renaissance.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mousefolk can all speak common, and particularly with a British accent that varies depending on where in Darum they are born. Yet, on top of this, Mousefolk posses their own language called Midlish. Midlish is a language that is impossible to replicate for any race that cannot make natural high pitched sounds and clicks, though it can somewhat be learned by someone who takes the time to decipher what they hear.
40 - 50 Years
Average Height
3' - 4'
Average Weight
30ibs - 50ibs
Average Physique
Most Mousefolk look like, you guessed it, mice. Standing very small, even on their hind legs as they are bipedal, the Mousefolk rarely are taller than 3'5", but sometimes they can reach heights of 4'. They do however have humanoid bodies and arms.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mousefolk's fur can range in many colors from white, to black, to brown, to tan, and they can even be a combination of all these colors.


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